*The only exception to this rule is; Zelda Oricle Series, as both games are %100 different storyline-wise Okay, I have seen this allot recently, The 4th Gen Pokemon Games come out, people ask; "Which one is the better one!?" The same goes for Megaman Star Force. MMSF has 3 Generations on the DS right now. I forgot the first versions, it was Dragon, Leo, and something. Gen 2 had Berserker X Saurian, and Shanbobi X Saurian or something, and now Gen 3 has Red Joker and Black Ace. The games that have different versions are basicly down to the core, considering the following values; Gameplay Music Graphics Storyline Both versions Red Joker and Black Ace are Somewhat the same. The ONLY difference is the power that you get in the game. If you own both versions (in which if you use this website and have a brain, you now have BOTH) you can use the in-game code system to have BOTH POWERS in BOTH GAMES, VIA the BROTHER BOND SYSTEM. Pokemon is similar in the matter...let's look at Heart Gold and Soul Silver, Both games will have the Exact Same Areas, Exact Same Region, and the Exact Same Storyline and Music. The difference will be which Legendary Pokemon you can capture at level 50 before going to Kanto, Lugia in Soul Silver, Ho-oh in Heart Gold. Now they did a marketing effort and said that if you have BOTH games, you can capture KYOGRE in one and GROUDON in another, then trade either KYOGRE or GROUDON to the game lacking the other and be able to capture RAYQUAZA. But once again, down to the core, both games are the same. If you are buying the game, it is all a matter of personal choice and preference. (If I was going to buy either one, it would be Soul Silver.) If you are downloading them (Like I will be) then get both, play through both, decide form your personal opinion which one is better, share it with the world via Youtube, and shut up. This rests my case. I am now going to load and play both of the new Megaman SF Games and beat them, then go back to Gens 2 and 1 and finish some unfinished business. *PS With Gen 3 MMSF you can use the powers from Gen 1, 2 and 3! But it does not go backwards.
I've always had personal favourites when it came to game that were released in pairs. Digimon World Dawn (Dusk was going to be my first choice, until I found the main character from Dawn to look better) Pokemon Blue (I was going to get Red, until I got Blue version for free, I've liked Blastoise ever since) Pokemon FireRed (I just don't like the fact of having a Venusaur on the front cover) Pokemon Silver (I like the color silver and Lugia looks better than Ho-oh) Pokemon SoulSilver (My love for the classic Silver version) Pokemon Sapphire (I like the color blue better than red, and the name sapphire sounds beautiful) Pokemon Pearl (I wanted Diamond, but my brother beat me to it, so I got pearl instead, I find the catchable Pokemon in Pearl to be better than Diamond) I think I'll leave it at that