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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Canoso777, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. Canoso777

    Canoso777 Well-Known Member

  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    All the sound that come out from any musical instrument are satanic messages to either kill thyself or harm others or it promotes abortions, the holocaust, anti-semetism, hate, pregnancies/sex and to show that you're against God. What could make it possibly not Satanic?
  3. Canoso777

    Canoso777 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    True.... So True...
    But, Suppose they need money, Job, if not they die from Hungry, So they just Make what they like and what they are good, And, Suppose you are making A Metal Song, What Other Theme will You use That its not Sex,Love or any other thing?
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    Thankfully we can shove Christian Rock bands down adamant Christian folks' throats. Of course they too label Christian Rock as Satanic sometimes just because of the sound.
  5. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    listen to cradlle of filth and then you will see what is satanic!!
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    As I said, any musical instrument.
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    Even an extra grande triangle?

  8. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    Better yet Decide or Mercyful Fate.

    Back to the original topic, like Nat and Chaos stated the biggest part of why bands are called "satan bands" (a term I haven't heard since I was a child LOL) is the sound of music that is put out, I can recall as a child one church that refused to allow drums to be played as it was a "tool" to attract "demons" and another similar claims it "keeps demons at bay" and other bullshit like distortion of a guitar sounds like the growls of demons and so forth. Yes even the "Christian" metal bands get bashed with it as well, go figure.

    Some (not all) of the bands add in lyrics that are anti-christian (Slayer for example especially in the song "Cult") why they do this? I learned years back it is what is popular it makes them money and tons of it and I would dare say none of them are actually "Satanists" the only one I read on that claimed that was is Kim Bendix Petersen aka King Diamond (Mercyful Fate/King Diamond) and I am not real sure how true it is and really don't think anyone cares. Other bands get bashed for lyrics that the "church" will deem as "ungodly" and what to claim "if it is not praising our God then its of the Devil" thus Christian metal bands will "Praise God" but get bashed over the sounds (see a pattern yet?)

    All in all it all boils down to (in my opinion) its just a bunch of stereotypical bullshit and its nothing new if you look back in the Beatles era and even before that. Its not going to end anytime soon either.
  9. melleopberg

    melleopberg Well-Known Member

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    Because of you will end up in hell if you listen this crap.
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    Utter bullshit.

    You can listen to your religious hyms, but you'd still go to hell if you done evil...provided hell and heaven even exist.

    I believe that (while I never heard them refered to as this) is because many of the songs aren't based on peace and love, well some are (like killswitch engage and...christian heavy metal if you find that hard to swallow) but it's mostly about the pain, suffering in life.

    Other's it anger, or a message about our future (like in fear factory...well it's too late...WE ARE MACHINES!)...or it could just be that people don't listen to the lyrics (my father mistaken "I wish I had an angel" from nightwish for my korn...this song is above love and lust...korn's are normally about how shit life is).

    Then again my father grew up with AC/DC and metallica...good thing about that means he can withstand my metal at higher volume compared to my techno XD
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    Trust me God loves Hardcore Rock, it's that God damn hip hop & thugz life Rap he dislikes :p
  12. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    Sheesh! That's what happens when people put religion inbetween the form of art known as music! Can't we just let the music be like it is and forget what group ABC, DEF or whichever it is thinks about it?
  13. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    There are some bands that actually perpetuate that image in publicity stunts.

    By the way, Ozzy Osbourne is pretty sweet in real life. Almost childlike sometimes, you know?
  14. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    Re: Why so many metal Band are Nicked "Satan Bands"

    Cradle Of Filth and Slipknot are two of them.

    That's what happens when you use as much drugs as he used.