im using desmume and im stuck in Zelda spirit tracks , where we have to play a song by blowing into the microphone , which i dont have and dont know to use it on DeSMuME. can some one help me ??????
i tried this link but the download link which is given there works but the download wont start. can you please check it ?
Got no problem downloading from there. I've tested it before posting the link. Alternatively; If you go to CONFIG in DeSmuMe; choose HOTKEY and set a keyboard key to use the Microphone feature; then (choose doing method 1 or 2 next) 1.Method 1 choose MICROPHONE SETTINGS from CONFIG Choose INTERNAL NOISE SAMPLE Press OK When needing to use the microphone feature in-game, just run a loud music and use the mic button to channel it into your DeSmuMe. 2. Method 2 In CONFIG under MICROPHONE SETTING choose USE MICROPHONE SAMPLE locate a .WAV file to use. So that whenever you press the Microphone hotkey, that .WAV sound get played as an alternative to using the actual mic.