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DeSmuME error - AP issue?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by TBreaker, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    Hello, :)

    Today I noticed an odd error on my DeSmuMe emulator. I'm using the latest DeSmuMe 0.9.9 svn4585 x64-JIT.
    In all my Pokemon games, except Diamond, Perl, Platinum and Conquest, the black window says "COMMAND9: Unverified Backup Memory command", when I load my save file or create a new save.
    I looked around and found out that this might be an issue of AP. But why? My games are already AP patched and ingame I haven't seen any restrictions (like the EXP gain lock).
    What does this error mean? And how can I fix it?

    Many thanks in advance!
  2. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    I'd say don't limit yourself to one emulator.. In my opinion No$gba paired with Zoomer is so much better then that one. So if one game does not run correctly on one try they other. What harm could it do? Also look for how to encrypt the games. I think my White 2 needed to be encrypted before it would work but I could be thinking of another game.. There is a sticky I believe on how to do that.
  3. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    Yes, I could use No$GBA. But everytime when I want to play NDS games on it, i get the error "ROM image has crashed" or this error screen ingame

    I tried it with patched and unpatched ROMs and I also tried with fixcodes.
    My ROMs are encrypted by eNDryptS Advanced and the firmware and bios files are in No$GBA direction, but it don't work :-\
    Also it seems to be a bit slower than DeSmuMe, so I only use No$GBA for GBA games and DeSmuMe for NDS games.
  4. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    You have to enable active replay cheats each time you start the game. . Usually you need to change it to start from cartridge directly in the options menu.
  5. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    Ok, thanks. :)
    I'll try that.
  6. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    Well I tried playing on No$GBA. But I like DeSmuME more, because it's faster and No$GBA is a bit outdated.

    As I've written in the first post I got that message in the black DeSmuME output window "COMMAND9: Unverified Backup Memory command". I think the problem are the patches from DS-Scene Rom Tool, in my opinion they are not correct.

    First I used DS-Scene Rom Tool to patch my Black/White 2 ROMs and I got that error.
    Now i used another patch which I've found somewhere on the internet and I don't get that error anymore.

    Here the two different patches for 6111 - Pokemon Schwarze Edition 2
    Differences are marked in red.
    Patch from DS-Scene Rom Tool (gives the error message)
    00004620: E6 F7 3D 10 EC 5E BF CC DB A3 8C 74 12 42 12 E2 → 00 00 9F E5 1E FF 2F E1 83 A8 00 00 00 00 9F E5
    00004630: DA A8 F5 F9 52 B9 43 49 20 F5 45 F7 52 BD 00 DF → 1E FF 2F E1 CF B3 00 00 00 00 9F E5 1E FF 2F E1
    00004640: 70 47 C5 C0 99 C6 1F 56 5D 8A 34 C2 47 A6 CA C9 → 27 C1 00 00 00 00 9F E5 1E FF 2F E1 65 AA 00 00
    00004650: 70 E3 53 B7 69 DD 65 EC 72 0D 97 6B 7F AC 54 39 → 6C C9 17 02 FC D1 70 47 E8 FB 06 02 F8 B5 82 B0
    00004660: 3B 74 27 23 24 EE 86 21 EE D5 23 10 2C 5C E7 D5 → 00 20 70 47 1F 40 2D E9 20 00 1F E5 00 10 90 E5
    00004670: FA 94 A2 4C C5 0F 97 6B A1 C9 B6 B1 5B 52 C9 BD → 24 20 1F E5 02 00 51 E1 00 30 A0 03 B0 30 C0 01
    00004680: 48 A4 FC 8D E7 BB D1 4C 5A 82 AF F2 6E 34 A0 48 → 01 30 A0 03 DE 30 C0 05 38 00 1F E5 00 10 90 E5
    00004690: A1 60 ED 05 44 F7 F9 AE 2F C3 B7 77 15 DF 70 47 → 3C 20 1F E5 02 00 51 E1 40 30 1F 05 00 30 80 05
    000046A0: CA 7E 4C 9E DE 94 94 62 8B EA CE 00 D0 0A DE 24 → 24 00 8F E2 00 10 90 E5 01 00 51 E3 1F 80 BD 08
    000046B0: 49 CD 0C A4 C9 46 9B 07 77 8C 39 4A F9 9D 05 22 → 00 20 91 E5 04 30 90 E5 03 00 52 E1 08 40 90 05
    000046C0: 61 CE 4C 90 95 4A 29 22 ED 77 24 C6 F4 CB CF 0B → 00 40 81 05 0C 00 80 E2 F5 FF FF EA 14 09 18 02
    000046D0: 11 B7 C9 42 0F F4 6E 46 D8 EF 81 76 DD 38 65 9B → E8 0D 18 6A 20 46 00 6A C0 09 18 02 E8 0D 18 6A
    000046E0: A8 42 D0 03 41 3A DC 80 F7 28 D4 A1 5F 0D 44 60 → 2C 46 00 6A 6C 0A 18 02 E8 0D 18 6A 38 46 00 6A
    000046F0: 8B 24 78 B8 E4 A0 B3 D2 2F F5 CD DF 2E 7E CE 75 → E8 42 1A 02 54 39 1A 6A 44 46 00 6A 01 00 00 00
    00004EA4: 1E FF 2F E1 → EE FD FF EA

    The other patch (doesn't give the error message)
    00004620: E6 F7 3D 10 EC 5E BF CC DB A3 8C 74 12 42 12 E2 → 00 00 9F E5 1E FF 2F E1 83 A8 00 00 00 00 9F E5
    00004630: DA A8 F5 F9 52 B9 43 49 20 F5 45 F7 52 BD 00 DF → 1E FF 2F E1 CF B3 00 00 00 00 9F E5 1E FF 2F E1
    00004640: 70 47 C5 C0 99 C6 1F 56 5D 8A 34 C2 47 A6 CA C9 → 27 C1 00 00 00 00 9F E5 1E FF 2F E1 65 AA 00 00
    00004650: 70 E3 53 B7 69 DD 65 EC 72 0D 97 6B 7F AC 54 39 → 6C C9 17 02 FC D1 70 47 80 C8 17 02 F8 B5 33 4A
    00004660: 3B 74 27 23 24 EE 86 21 EE D5 23 10 2C 5C E7 D5 → AA 20 70 47 1F 40 2D E9 20 00 1F E5 00 10 90 E5
    00004670: FA 94 A2 4C C5 0F 97 6B A1 C9 B6 B1 5B 52 C9 BD → 24 20 1F E5 02 00 51 E1 00 30 A0 03 B0 30 C0 01
    00004680: 48 A4 FC 8D E7 BB D1 4C 5A 82 AF F2 6E 34 A0 48 → 01 30 A0 03 DE 30 C0 05 38 00 1F E5 00 10 90 E5
    00004690: A1 60 ED 05 44 F7 F9 AE 2F C3 B7 77 15 DF 70 47 → 3C 20 1F E5 02 00 51 E1 40 30 1F 05 00 30 80 05
    000046A0: CA 7E 4C 9E DE 94 94 62 8B EA CE 00 D0 0A DE 24 → 24 00 8F E2 00 10 90 E5 01 00 51 E3 1F 80 BD 08
    000046B0: 49 CD 0C A4 C9 46 9B 07 77 8C 39 4A F9 9D 05 22 → 00 20 91 E5 04 30 90 E5 03 00 52 E1 08 40 90 05
    000046C0: 61 CE 4C 90 95 4A 29 22 ED 77 24 C6 F4 CB CF 0B → 00 40 81 05 0C 00 80 E2 F5 FF FF EA 14 09 18 02
    000046D0: 11 B7 C9 42 0F F4 6E 46 D8 EF 81 76 DD 38 65 9B → E8 0D 18 6A 20 46 00 6A C0 09 18 02 E8 0D 18 6A
    000046E0: A8 42 D0 03 41 3A DC 80 F7 28 D4 A1 5F 0D 44 60 → 2C 46 00 6A 6C 0A 18 02 E8 0D 18 6A 38 46 00 6A
    000046F0: 8B 24 78 B8 E4 A0 B3 D2 2F F5 CD DF 2E 7E CE 75 → E8 42 1A 02 54 39 1A 6A 44 46 00 6A 01 00 00 00
    00004EA4: 1E FF 2F E1 → EE FD FF EA

    My question now:
    Does anyone have any other patches for the German HG/SS and Black/White (that are different from those in DS-Scene Rom Tool)?
    Or maybe an tutorial about how to create your own AP patches?
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You'll need to consult Jhon 591 regarding the above.


    On second thought, might as well I provide you a link to his past document related to the above:
    See if you can learn something out of it. Again, you need decent know how about hex decimal.
    Keep in mind, it's raw document, not all games can be work around in that manner, some differs in
    how it's worked around.
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Just use the AR code plus clean ROM , yes code can also be used on DeSmuME as is in cheat .

    A soft reset must be used aftrer code is enabled at all times, only on no$gba vr no$zoomer, make sure its running from start cartridge direct

    Video guilds may help a bit, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N24rHaMcsA

    !!!Pokémon: Schwarze Edition 2 (G)
    ::No$Zoomer Fix + AP Fix + Disable 3D Edge Marking Combined
    52180914 43082020
    22180914 00000010
    D2000000 00000000
    52004EA0 E8BD01F0
    02004EA0 EAFFF25C
    E2001800 0000005C
    E92D4008 E3A00000
    E3A0150E E2811A06
    E5810B44 EA5FE9F2
    E59F4034 E59F5034
    E5845000 E59F4020
    E5945000 E59F601C
    E1550006 03A05001
    05C4500A 03A05000
    E1445DB4 E8BD01F0
    EA000D95 02180FA0
    1E631C3A 037FBFE0
    EAA01606 00000000
    D0000000 00000000
    52004EA4 E12FFF1E
    E2004620 000000E0
    E59F0000 E12FFF1E
    0000A883 E59F0000
    E12FFF1E 0000B3CF
    E59F0000 E12FFF1E
    0000C127 E59F0000
    E12FFF1E 0000AA65
    0217C96C 4770D1FC
    0217C880 4A33B5F8
    477020AA E92D401F
    E51F0020 E5901000
    E51F2024 E1510002
    03A03000 01C030B0
    03A03001 05C030DE
    E51F0038 E5901000
    E51F203C E1510002
    051F3040 05803000
    E28F0024 E5901000
    E3510001 08BD801F
    E5912000 E5903004
    E1520003 05904008
    05814000 E280000C
    EAFFFFF5 02180914
    6A180DE8 6A004620
    021809C0 6A180DE8
    6A00462C 02180A6C
    6A180DE8 6A004638
    021A42E8 6A1A3954
    6A004644 00000001
    02004EA4 EAFFFDEE
    D2000000 00000000
    PS: no you cannot use a patched roms alone, They is a part in the AR code that fixes that issue, and cannot be written into the ROM.
    Post Merge: [time]1369078065[/time]
    It's all I'm my head them documents now prectorian xd, But getting a we bit Rusty ;D
  9. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    @ prectorian
    Thanks I'll look into them!

    @ Jhon 591
    Thanks, that fixes the error on my Black 2.
    Do you have the fixcodes for these too?
    4827 Pokémon - Goldene Edition HeartGold
    4828 Pokemon - Silberne Edition SoulSilver
    5588 Pokémon - Weisse Edition
    5589 Pokémon - Schwarze Edition
    I can't find them...

    Many thanks in advance.
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Rest of ar codes yep PM B/W 2 : http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=60304.0


    One AR code should do all. incuded HG/SS E/U/G est.

    ::AP Fix
    520DE16C 1AFFFFFC
    020DE16C E1A00000
    E2000010 0000005C
    E28FE004 E51FF004
    02000970 E92D003C
    E5950004 E28F2030
    E8920030 E59F2034
    E0801002 E891000C
    E1520004 01530005
    1A000001 E59F3018
    E5813000 E8BD003C
    E9950003 E51FF004
    020D8C1C D10A2800
    481822FA E00A2800
    00000274 643753DA
    020D8C14 E51FF004
    020D8C18 02000010
    E2000300 0000002C
    E59F001C E5901000
    E59F2018 E1510002
    03A01072 05C01008
    03A0108E 05C010C4
    E12FFF1E 0225F0A0
    E0095D34 8407568E
    02000A18 EAFFFE38
    D2000000 00000000
  11. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    I tried that code on my HeartGold.
    I got exp, but is it normal that the output window looked like this?
    Everytime when went through a door or defeated a wild Pokemon those lines appeared... :/
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Ops: recheck sorry .

    E2000300 0000002C
    E59F001C E5901000
    E59F2018 E1510002
    03A01072 05C01008
    03A0108E 05C010C4
    E12FFF1E 0225F0A0
    E0095D34 8407568E
    02000A18 EAFFFE38
    D2000000 00000000

    E2000300 0000002C
    E59F001C E5901000
    E59F2018 E1510002
    03A01072 05C01008
    03A0108E 05C010C4
    E12FFF1E 0225EFC0
    E0095D34 00000000
    02000A18 EAFFFE38
    D2000000 00000000

    Re-add onto rest of code ^ .

    Take a look at AP fix, in reverse order for AR code ^ .


    For E2000300 0000002C

    E2 is using a high address, 2C is end of cheat as look at image 000020 along top 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9//a/b/c/d/e/f

    end like a cros 00020 + top 0C = end of 2C so ram 02000300 + 2C = AR loop E2000300 0000002C
    Post Merge: [time]1369084422[/time]
    PS: Have fun, good night from here ;)
  13. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member

    Sorry, it doesn't fix the messages in the output window :/
    But thank you anyway!

    I looked into the documents, but they are a bit confusing... I don't know where I have to start to read them.
    Could you say me the order in which I have to read them and which image belongs to which document?
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It's not realy for the faint of heart, take a look at images for AP.

    Build up some ideas of your own.

    But them doucument mostly releate to DSTT/YSMenu updates.

    I would download that game, and make a pre-patched rom, but ftp is broken at moment, waiting for it to be fixed.
  15. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I can upload it to a host if you want.
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I mean i havent downloaded it.
  17. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, so I can add it to MEGA or such for you to download it from.
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It's ok alreay got and done ^ ;)

    PS: Do not use any AR coding, with AP patched rom .

    4827 Pokémon - Goldene Edition HeartGold (GER) (V2 AP Patched)

  19. TBreaker

    TBreaker Well-Known Member
