This game is tits!!! Its like Diablo with Metal Gear Solid 4 Graphics. The gameplay is fun as hell, great enemies, and 13 different classes to choose from. and the best part about it is it's a tough game. I always play games on the highest difficulty, this is plenty difficult. Best game in a long time. has anyone else played it?
Yes. I own it and I've been annoying people by telling them to get it since before you posted this. I'm the true Demon's Souls master. (I can't even beat a boss beyond the Phalanx)
Pre-Ordered mine played it a few hours, but not enough to really get into it, but so far I like it and its hard but not as bad as all the hype let on to be.
phanalax is'nt too hard, i honestly beat him 1st try. im a thief. i put turpentine on my dagger, and just did the side roll in circles around it until i could stab an exposed part. evrybody has a quick side roll as long as u dont have too much armor. its a 10 minute fight max.
I'm the Wanderer. I killed every single blob-shield thing, THEN I killed the center blob with the white stuff in the middle. It took me two, maybe three tries to do. After that though, I can't kill the soldier boss. I know how, but I can never get around him quick enough.
if your talking about the 2 story knight boss, you need to clear out the archers then shoot him in the face through his helmet with arrows or magic. fire bombs do big damage too.
Kicking this one back up, I have never owned a game I love to play and also hate it so much at the same exact time I swear I get on a good streak and within seconds I screw up and it all come crashes down around my head and I get so pissed off I have to quit and I will be damned within about an hour break and I have calmed down I am eager to try it again. I feel like I am a glutton for punishment (also I retract my comment where I stated it wasn't as hard as most people claimed ) I in a way hope more games are made like this, but not a lot of them as I don't think my blood pressure can handle it for long.