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Dementium: The Ward

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Agahnim, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. Agahnim

    Agahnim Well-Known Member

    I'm REALLY looking forward to this game, does anybody have any idea when its gonna be out and available, there should be more horror themed games on the DS because theres a real lack of them, except Resident Evil i can't think of any. Theres not a lot on the home consoles either, just Manhunt comes to mind for me. The DS shouldn't be ignored in this category because its a games machine like any other (not literally the ps3 doesn't have a mic but you know what i mean) & i want this category updating. All to much handhelds get passed off to kids because they're supposedly the only 1s playing them but a lot of adults play them now aswell and im sure im not the only 1 who wishes there were more titles available like this to play in the dark with the headphones in on full brightness because it'd be damn AWESOME!
    So back to the point lol does anybody have any idea when its coming out, for those of you who havn't seen it have a look on www.gametrailers.com
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we will get it as soon as it is dumped. Until then, its not available.
  3. poiboy

    poiboy Well-Known Member

    if you MUST know when a certain game come out..maybe take a look at a website that covers that like www.gamespot.com

    they usually they are close to the mark for release dates..
    have fun

  4. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    has this been turned into a free advertisement for www.gametrailers.com ?

    lol, anyway...I'm also looking foward to this game. The graphics looks awesome and in the dark is scary xD
  5. chaseguitar

    chaseguitar Active Member

    I think it comes out on October 31
  6. seether05

    seether05 Member

    October is gonna be one heck of a month, I can't wait ;D
  7. Agahnim

    Agahnim Well-Known Member

    yeah stevo thats what its turned into, a free advertisement for www.gametrailers.com. incase anybody missed that its www.gametrailers.com yep gametrailers. G A M E T R A I L E R S so you dont mispell it, because that was my intention, to advertise for www.gametrailers.com thank you for your time, i'm now off back to www.gametrailers.com
    Gametrailers Unite!
  8. disturbiated

    disturbiated Guest

    YEAH its is!
    God, i can't wait, dementium, zelda, chibi robo, tony hawk proving grounds, myst, sims 2 castaways. yeah, its gonna be one hell of a month for my 2 GB microSD
  9. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    Dementium looks like it will be a nice game....very Silent Hill like. I wish they would make a Silent Hill game for the DS. Maybe even just port the PSX/PC games over.
  10. glkjn

    glkjn Member

    quite spooky, i saw the pics n vids on ign,17+,well if it is like resident evil,then i will try it