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Dementium II

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by TheLivingVirus, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. Hey guys I'm new here ;)
    As maybe some of you know, Dementium II has been delayed. I'm so pissed off of Renegade Kid because of that. But that is not the point. The point is a question.
    When will Dementium II will be able to get downloaded here? Earlier than April 9th? If it is so. When?
    I just can't wait for this game^^ ::)

    Excuse my English, its not so good, because I'm from Austria ;)
  2. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Be happy, meaby they found some bugs and now they can fix it :p
    Post Merge: [time]1266519260[/time]
  3. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    I saw a vid from one of the developers and he said the delay was all Ninty's fault. The game is ready to go, but Ninty delayed it because of "production delays" and even he didn't know what that meant exactly.

    All that means to me is that Ninty wants to release more shovelware first, before releasing a game people actually want. There are obviously no true "production delays" as other games have been released on time, so you tell me.....

    And yes, I realize Ninty didn't actually make this game, but they create all the carts the games are on, so it comes back to Ninty screwing around with production and bumping anticipated titles in favor of many shoveware titles.....ok, ok, there have been a few releases you guys would consider good lately, but I don't. (stupid RPG's and lawyer games...pfft)

    Let me see if I can find the vid real quick.....found it:
  4. Yeah, I know. This delay is fucking bullshit... On their website is written "Another Year another game completed". So this mean that the game is actually done, right? If it is so, why there is no Rom out there? It's so... >.<
    I hope the guys of romulation will get an earlier version, doesnt matter if there any bugs. I dont care.
    Does anyone of you also want Dementium II???
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    We have no means of getting an earlier version. There are no roms because the only copy of the game in existance is in a safe at nintendo's production facillity.
  6. Oh... That's a shame :'(
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    Oh what?! It got delayed? Shoot! D: