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delete account

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by phoggy, Sep 2, 2008.

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  1. phoggy

    phoggy New Member

    is there a way to fully delete my account? I feel that its just going to waste and I want it deleted. thanks in advance.
  2. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    I guess only admins can do it, you can't on your own, at least I saw nothing under options.

    But why would you want to quit this site?
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no you can't delete your account, you have to give use a good reason to delete it, and feeling that it is going to waste is not a good reason. If you don't want to get emails, then you can disable that in your profile.
  4. phoggy

    phoggy New Member

    I don;t get why I would need to justify a reason.

    But in all honesty, I don't feel safe....I mean I know this site has been set up in such a way that it semi bypasses stuff.

    But still...I just don't like being signed up for a site.

    It has nothing to do with emails or anything like that.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you would need to justify a reason for us going to the effort of removing your account from our database, which takes quite a lot of work, as it is fairly complex. If you don't feel safe being signed up here, then one would ask why you signed up in the first place?
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The reason it's a lot of work is because of our integration with the forum, we can easily delete the account, but we have to delete all references to your account too, which can be quite a bit of work.

    There's really no danger in just being a member here, we have 325,000 of them currently, so you're just another one in the bunch. And for all people know you might just have downloaded some NES games.
  7. phoggy

    phoggy New Member

    Becuase i nthe first place I signed up just for it but over time my veiws have changed I have nothing agianst the downloading or anything its just I am more concerned for what I do on the web now, especially since I got a warning from my web provider, and the whole uproar of the R4 issue and stuff like that.

    But if its that much work...
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    well, your ISP can't reasonably stop you being a member and taking part in our forum community; if you don't download stuff then that is entirely your choice. As the admin responsible for the forum, it would be nice to have another active member taking part in discussions.
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    That guy's ISP's kinda creepy keeping tabs on his internet activities.

    Can't you find another one that's not so invasive to your privacy?
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    It's not an impossible thing to do so if you really demand if, but I can pretty much guarantee that there wouldn't be any material to make a case against any user since it's not illegal to be a member of our community, you need an account to participate in the conversation here and you can download fine without ( at least using rapidshare and megaupload )

    Cahos: It's pretty common if you use torrents and such, some company monitor the P2P thingy you use and if they find you they contact your ISP who then sends on the letter and forgets about it. Hell I've even gotten one of those before.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well thankfully here in our country things like that won't happen at present since we have no government agencies who have nothing to do but make the internet so user unfriendly. Heck ask any local government personnel if they knew what torrents are they'd say, "torrent what!?" The only thing our government is concerned with is porn on the internet, so basically we can download anything we desire as long as our connection can cope up. :D

    Funny thing though. The government doesn't know that even if they shut down every optical media Piracy Syndicate here in the country as long as you can get stuff off the internet Piracy will never be totally stopped.
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Peerguardian2 always flag things that say Anti-P2P groups.
    Mine usually just says Bogon, which is harmless.
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Well I have an option to delete, don't know what it does though.
  14. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    It deletes your acount, I suppose, but that happens because you're a moderator.

    However, I have been thinking: if you banned him instead of deleting his account, you wouldn't have all that work of deleting posts and all, but he wouldn't have an account either... right?
  15. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    He'd still have the data in our database...
  16. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Can you delete his download history from your database and ban him? I guess we'd all be happy.
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    There's no link to his download history anyone else can follow anyway. I'm locking this thread since it has been discussed now, if there's anything then PM me.
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