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Decyrpting your ROMs

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by FormalMoogle, Sep 23, 2010.

  1. FormalMoogle

    FormalMoogle Well-Known Member

    I tried using eNDryptS Advanced to dcrypt Etrian Odyssey III and use it with No$GBA because i saw that someone said it would work. However, as i try and use the decrypt command on eNdrypts i get this message saying "patchengine.da1" cant be opened. Well, i am using Win7 if that could be any help :-\. Are there any ways to fix this or are there other options for encrypting files?

    Thanks in advance.

    Oh, i am also inexperienced with No$GBA. I have been using DSmune since forever.
  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Since you're using Win 7, make sure to run the application with administration rights.
    Right-Click -> Run as Administrator.

    The .da1 message should not appear after that, but you can just 'Cancel' it whenever it pop out.
  3. FormalMoogle

    FormalMoogle Well-Known Member

    Thanks. It works now but even after the file have been patched and used with No$Zoomer it still white screens. Hmm..