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Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kalvinator09, Mar 20, 2010.

  1. kalvinator09

    kalvinator09 Member

    I know this is wrong thread but no one is answering on the other one.

    OK so I know for sure Totadile and Mareep is on my team. I need help with the 3rd pokemon. Quilava(trade from Diamond) or a Miltank. Help me!
  2. Magriz

    Magriz New Member

    Wait, what is this for? Most teams have 6 pokemon on them, in the game they also have a flying type (to use fly), good choices for that would be Noctowl, Pidgeot, or Fearow (all can be got very early on). Or other flying types found during the game. Quilava helps with type matchups alot because you are weak to a grass type because neither Totadile or Mareeps STAB attacks hit super effectively.
  3. The Unwanted

    The Unwanted Member

    My personal opinion for the fly pokemon would be Togetic. You get the egg that hatches into Togepi early on and it is born with the Egg Move Extra Sensory, which is strong against Poison/Grass/Ghost types (Maybe more), and Togepi can learn Rock Smash and Metronome too. Mine evolved into a Togetic (Which can learn Fly) just after leaving Goldenrod so, it's a decent choice if you don't mind going back and training a lvl 1 pokemon once the egg hatches.

    Also, remember, Togepi evolves once it's love stat reaches a certain point, so you may have to use him a decent amount before he evolves.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Or run around in Goldenrod until its happiness reaches that point. No point in leveling a Togepi that is missing all of the moves it would have learned as a Togetic.

    A level 2 Togetic would be ideal so it learns everything under the Togetic "tech tree" and not the Togepi one.
  5. The Unwanted

    The Unwanted Member

    Agreed. That is what I did with my Flareon, evolved my Eevee as soon as I got in and trained it under Flareons Tech Tree.
  6. Ecchineko

    Ecchineko New Member

    I'd go with Togetic too. Also, if possible, I'd recommend getting Shiny stone from P/D/Pt, if possible. Lets 'tic evolve into Togekiss, which is really sweet. ^^ And, yep, I grinded my Eevee the same way, just to get Espeon as early on as possible. Still, I'll be using some HM-slaves, as I really don't like to waste my moveslots with some unneeded moves like Rock Smash. >_<