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Death Note...Light vs L

Discussion in 'Anime, Manga & Cartoons' started by kathryncoronado, May 18, 2010.

  1. Who's better and more intelligent? Light the notebook bearer ,...or L the weido?
  2. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    light is the genious in death note :)
  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Both of them
  4. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    both. But L is lovable.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    STOP posting spoilers without using the spoiler tag, next time it happens there will be a warning issued!
  6. Repelsteeltju

    Repelsteeltju Member

    I believe the author has stated that L was more intelligent. If only because the plot required it... I don't feel like looking up the source though so you guys can feel free to discuss it all you want until someone decides to post the source on that. But I don't mind at all.

    Because in my heart Misa Misa will always be the smartest character in Death Note. Though Matsuda is hot on her tail for the title.
  7. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    Seriously? Wow, you dont have to get so P.O.'ed especially since that was my first time. And all you had to do was EDIT my post, not delete it.

    they both died, making neither one of them any good.
  8. aNooburak

    aNooburak Member

    Light's kill count: Over 9000
    L's kill count: 0
    Therefore Light > L
  9. watchasay

    watchasay Active Member

    Both L and yagami light died...and the last man standing? it was near..(or should i say boy coz he's just a child)
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    At the end Light beat L and then Light got beaten by Near and Mello, case close.
  11. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad I watched and read several versions of how the fight goes...otherwise YOUR BLOODY SPOILERS WOULD RUIN THINGS FOR ME!

    Harsh...but prehaps worth it.

    People, other get curious, come here to post an opinion and then...YOU RUIN it for them, so be considerate, use a spoiler tag, that way your not liable if they click.
  13. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's harsh at all.
    Imagine your going to see a movie that your really excited about and just before your going to enter the cinema someone shouts out what happens at the end.
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    To ban people just just being big mouths?

    If they abuse others, hack others, exploit systems then yes it's fine.

    It's like expelling a kid just for saying the answer for a question that a kid asked to his teacher instead.
    Post Merge: [time]1274354032[/time]
    Just my view though, and let's...try to keep on topic.

    I'd go for L thank you.
  15. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I added a reason
    Also Go Light.
  16. CrashmanX

    CrashmanX Well-Known Member

    Too bad you cant
    Cause he's dead (see avatar)
  17. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    So is L
  18. mcr619619

    mcr619619 Active Member

    i wud go for light..he's smarter, but L is lovable...
  19. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Actually, Near is "near" his twenties; he just acts childish like L XD