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dead pixels brought to life 0_o

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by twistediron, Mar 6, 2010.

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  1. twistediron

    twistediron New Member

    Well it started when im playing hajimeno ippo on my ds lite when i noticed that there is one block of pixel that seems to be blackened
    but i disregarded it because i was battling mashiba the flicker jabber..i lost miserably. Disappointed and depressed i shut the ds tight
    and waited for a few hours before having a rematch with mashiba : )i slowly opened my ds with my surprised the uno blocko became duo blocko still in awe i searched about the blackened pixel and found out that it was a called a dead pixel(noobish much) and they
    said that if your ds has this case you might as well buy another upper lcd screen for the ds because it was hopeless to get rid of
    the dead pixels. But i didn't lost hope cause it was only two dead pixels i can still play hajimeno ippo without the disturbance of the dead pixels....well that went terribly wrong, with the ongoing playing of hajimeno ippo,the duo blocko became quatro blocko and you guessed it became ocho blocko and this happened in one day. Mad and frustrated i gently put down my ds on top of my TV and i watched for 2 hours, to see if there is still hope with my ds i took my ds from my TV and noticed that it was kinda hot i opened it with curiosty and i got shocked because the 8 blocks of dead pixels became 4 and with a smart guy look on my face, i told myself that i found a cure for the dead pixels hot+ds= no dead pixels(what a deusch) well it kinda worked because after a few hours of putting my ds on top of my TV ,the dead pixels seems to fade away now i got only one dead pixel and it turned to be a blue with no reason well i dont wanna have dead pixels anymore so can you give me some advices to take care of the lcds on the ds lite:)
  2. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Don't tap on the LCD screen of the DS Lite. I cause my whole DS one time to become a whole dead pixel graveyard, then the DS died. It was the REALLY OLD DS.

    Anyways, I don't think it was a dead pixel issue in the first place. It was probably just a pressure problem, like when you grasp the screen to hard. Maybe letting the DS rest on top of a flat surface help.
  3. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    That was quite a story i may give it a try, My oldest DS Lite has a semi dead pixel, it works fine with warmer and lighter colors (white, red, orange ,a very light green etc) every other color it is just dark blue. A new top LCD isn't much expensive and replace is a pain in the ass but still doable, youtube has lot of DS (classic, lite and i) tear part videos so it might be a good idea to actually see someone do it before trying.
  4. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    I have tried to rip apart one of my old DSes , since water somehow seeped in between the screens and shorted out the LCD or something.
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