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Dead or Alive Dimensions or Blazblue continuum shift 2

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by taleoson, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. taleoson

    taleoson Well-Known Member

    Which one should I get ;D
  2. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

    Advantages of BBCS2:
    Very polished 2D Fighting game mechanics. Plus, a personal favorite of mine.
    WTF, NO ONLINE PLAY~. And I've heard of some performance issues overall. Can't confirm since I don't actually own the game, nor a 3DS.
  3. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member


    Both games - Framerate decreases when 3D is turned on.

    *DOA Dimensions*

    + Takes advantage of some 3D features, like 3D effect and gyroscope
    + Chronicle mode lets you play through stories of characters from the first DOA up to the fourth one
    + New characters not seen in the console versions
    + Ability to change between Japanese and English audio
    - English voices are ANNOYING
    - Online play lags really bad. It lags even when you're playing REGIONAL PLAY!

    *BLAZBLUE Continuum Shift II*

    + All characters available from the start
    + Plenty of unlockables to keep you busy
    - No online play..
    Post Merge: [time]1311442635[/time]
    You could also consider Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

    + 3D effects are awesome
    + Switch to a "dynamic" camera view
    + Cool StreetPass feature
    + Ability to set four hotkeys
    - Awkward button layout
    - Graphics may not be as impressive as HD counterparts
    - Arcade Version is already out
  4. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    DOA - Kasumi + Ayane = Nuff Said
    BlazBlue - No comment never played any of the series
    Street Fighter 3D - Capcom = Nuff Said [I am an Anti-Capcom activist?]
  5. taleoson

    taleoson Well-Known Member

    Got DOAD Simply because of the lack of multiplayer In blazblue :p
  6. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    i like the idea of blazblue II but no online battle system is a bit of a let down