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Dating/Relation Help

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by garchomp4ever, Mar 6, 2010.

  1. garchomp4ever

    garchomp4ever Member

    Hello romulation users, I'm currently in middle school right now and we're already halfway through the year. There is this girl that i really have crush on and i'm going to a different high school then she is. We both know each other and i think she likes me but im not sure. We've talked before but not in private, the only periods i have with her are lunch and p.e, but at that time she is talking to her friends. I really need help she's such a great person :'(
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Roll up like a straight balla while you decked out in yo bling and ask her bitch ass out, dawg. Her peeps ain't shit brah, you ridin' the wave here and ain't gonna let anyone bring you down, so you got that ice chance of making her yo bitch. Dawg.
  3. garchomp4ever

    garchomp4ever Member

    well im not what you call (gansta-ish) we're both mexican but im a metalhead and shes more you know, popular-ish, listens to rap and stuff im kinda popular to but... i cant do what you said i'll make an ass of myself
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Talk to her and just say "wanna talk after school" and then explain yourself there, suck up any doubts and just say it.

    If she wants to be just friends, and your fine with that, get some form of contact going, who knows she might set you up XD

    Or you get lucky and find out she likes you more than you thought.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    You best be tripping, brah, 'cause nobody who's really on the level gives a damn 'bout what some hoes think of him, you dig?
  6. garchomp4ever

    garchomp4ever Member

    well after school theres always a crapload of students there and in lunch there is neve a really private place to talk
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    *sigh* RomUlation probably isn't the best place to ask these types of question.

    Chicks dig confidence, if you can't talk to her while her friends are around then you are a wuss and chicks don't dig chickens.

    Or so Sui can follow. You gotta highball that ass dawg, get yo wheels out with da feet all shined up and honk da bitches ass while her gals be all like "OMG DID YA SEE THAT? I DON'T EVEN!" Guranteed ass dawg!
  8. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

  9. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Well, just say " Hi mamasita! como estas chula " XD ok but seriously... I don't see whats the problem? you already know her and have lunch and PE time with her.. it's not like you never spoken to her before.. it shouldnt be too hard, just go on with a normal conversation and then just ask her if she want's to hang out after school or whatever and make plans like going to eat or to the movies.

    You don't need to say anything about a date, casually ask her if she would like to go some place after school.

    middle school, I wouldn't take it so seriously.
  10. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    What my boi dragneon is trying to say is that you should go up to dat shawty all "Hola! Me gustarĂ­a vete a la mierda en el culo!"
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    This is the second topic asking for help with dating and relationships...or at least on how to start one.

    Go to David Deangelo's website (http://www.doubleyourdating.com/)
    Subscribe to his newsletter.

    The situations described in his emails are for the older crowd (20+), but the underlying principles are the same. His material works across all cultures and is not specific to just any one group or any one type of girl. This works on everyone!

    I've quoted my responses from the first thread. Take a look through the thread and read Suis's serious comments and my comments together to make sense of the whole thing.
    The situation you've described is like all of the situations I've run into in my life. The exact same one.
    Lemme guess, you've had a crush on her since at least the beginning of the year, if not for YEARS. The unsure part of her liking you or not shouldn't be such a mystery. It should be plainly obvious whether she does or not. Look for clues. When you talk to her, does she pay attention to you or does she kinda nods off? Does she laugh at your jokes? Are your jokes necessarily funny, or just crass? If she's laughing at your jokes that aren't side-splitting hilarious, then you have a shot. If not, look for another and spark the attraction IMMEDIATELY. Don't wait half a semester to take action. I have a 3 second rule. Within 3 seconds of eye contact, you should be over where she is talking to her.

    You also make it seem like she is the ONLY girl left on the planet and if you fail with this one, you'll NEVER meet another nice girl ever again...Don't think like that. You think she is so special when really, there are thousands of girls out there with the same hairstyle, same "features," same personality, beliefs, personal experiences, etc. When you meet a girl, you are not really meeting a unique person, but more of an archetype, just a distinct type of girl. Don't put so much importance into this ONE girl that you simply can't live without her.
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Your thoughts on women is largely taken exactly as the advice is given to you. I don't feel like commenting all of it so I'll just touch on the he 3 seconds rule. It's bullshit. It's one way to do it but it's not the only way to do it.

    The problem with the 3 seconds rule is that it requires you to be focused on nothing but girl hunting, you're there to get laid and that's it. It will show great confidence but it gives away the power in no time unless you are seriously good at making a girl feel insecure or creating instant attraction. And lets be real here, the average joe never gets to that point. It's simply no realistic to apply many of these rules to your normal life.

    The ideas promoted by all this master pick up artists can be cooked down to a few key concepts.
    - Be confident.
    - Don't worry so much about it.
    - And for the love of all things cute and fluffy - Start. Having. A. Life.

    But lets get real here, dude's in middle school, that means like 11-14 years old. At that point in life it's entirely different rules of play. Just tell her you're going somewhere fun (if you don't know somewhere fun then see point three in bullet list above) and that she should come.
  13. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Ask her what she's doing outside of the kitchen, and that you need a turkey club sandwich, right away.
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I find the 3 second rule to be effective if taken lightly. It should not dictate how your life is run, but it should guide you to what you want. Most guys see a girl they like, make eye contact for a split second, look away, then spend the rest of the night wishing they had gone up to her and started talking. It shouldn't run your life. It's not like I see a girl, and then say, oh, three second rule, I HAVE to go talk to her. If you do that, you'll have absolutely no life, because all of your time is devoted to "girl hunting." Be selective.

    I remember being 11. In fact, that was the year I asked this girl out and got shot down completely, and of course, it was someone who I had known for 4 years prior. That one rejection had such a lasting impact on my life, repeating this vicious cycle that happens to so many guys, and it wasn't until I was 19 (2008) that I started to demolish every belief I had, and start over. Even if you look at my posts from when I first joined this site, and look at my posts now, you'd probably think they are completely different people. And in a way, without going mental, they were different personalities.

    This is a different ballgame. You're right, but where do you think women got the ideas that they can get just about anything that they want, get the notion that a man will pay for her and support her, that she has the power in the relationship, and all the other ideals that are conditioned into their minds? They get them at this age. They start to realize that they're being treated differently by men as opposed to when they were younger at let's say 8.

    In a way, he has the advantage for now, because these notions haven't been completely programmed in yet. It is better to learn this stuff now, than later, almost to the point of being too late. It is never too late to turn back and go down the right path, but the longer you wait, the longer the walk back to the fork in the road. He has another advantage in that his identity, his perception of himself is in its early stages and can be changed. School is a social arena, and having a bad reputation (or no reputation) at the beginning will only make your life harder. Get in with the "in crowd." It isn't too late to change. People go away to college to reinvent themselves because of the lack of the social pressure and the reputation that they earned while at high school. You can be one step ahead of the game and change now before high school even starts, putting you in the right direction.
  15. RenaldoTT

    RenaldoTT Well-Known Member

    Be a gentleman... say something stupid... don't think before you speak just speak... she'll probably laugh if she likes you... but you can always win a woman with a smile trust me...
  16. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Ask if she can talk to you after school, and come out with your feelings. Just be honest. Even if she doesn't like you, I'm sure she'll be touched by the fact that you were so sincere and rolled up the courage to tell her the truth. Or maybe that's just me who feels that way. I don't know.
  17. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    You are going to be godlike when you lose your idealism and get properly cynical.
  18. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Every time I do that I get depressed, dood...
  19. Buppazugan

    Buppazugan Well-Known Member

    Best way to get a girl is to get drunk at a night club.
  20. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Note: if you get yourself drunk, there's no guarantee it'll be a girl you get.