thinking about getting this's real cheap and heard it has some decent gameplay. I know it may not make everyone's list of " Games to Play" but, for those of you RomU'ers that have played it. Let me know. Thanks. HoustonTX224
Not on "ps3-list-to-play" For Xbox is a must buy. I found the game simply awesome. Its like playing zelda after the apocalypse. :V
...? If you like god of war, then by all means by it, I'd have it by now but it hasnt been cheap-cheap yet
What? The PS3 version is actually better than the 360 version. The prepatched version of Darksiders on the 360 has terrible screen tearing, after the patch, it has a lot of slow downs. The PS3 version does not have screen tearing and has a lot less slow downs. I think it's worth a play, it's decent and a Zelda clone (which isn't a bad thing, I think there should be more Zelda clones imo).
Thank you all for the replies..I read each one. Think I'm going to get it. I tried the deom on the PS3 and that wll be the system that I pick it up for. Much appreciated to all that responded. Thanks. HoustonTX224