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Dark Spire Stuck (Possible bug?)

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by nekosabre, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    Okaay...well, I went to fight the training instructor guy, and lost purposefully, because I just noticed how bad my formation was messed up. When I lost, I was in a room with two doors.

    I try to go through the north door and I get the message: "No, you idiots! The exit isn't that way!" shouts Sir Garland.

    So, I tried the East door and get the message: "Your adventure isn't over until you've made it home safely."

    Which leaves me stuck in the room with no possible way to continue save starting over.

    Has anyone else experienced this, or could someone help me out and let me know what I can do to escape?

    I have tried saving and reloading, and turning off and on the DS, but I am always stuck in the room with no way out.

    I am using CycloDS Evolution, if that helps at all. No cheats are being used either.

  2. Indelacio

    Indelacio Member

    I don't want to be a dick, but you should stop playing right now if that's what's getting you stuck. The exit is exactly where you came in.

    As for actually copy protection, the gambler on the tower's second floor dissapears after you talk to him once, and you need to talk to him multiple times in order to progress. That part will need a cheat to fix in order to make the game playable.
  3. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    ...have I not iterated that there are only TWO doors I can go through? And that both of these will not let me advance? I've checked my map and there are just two doors and that is it. Both of these doors yield different messages, but both also end up in me not being able to go anywhere. I am going to try and repro this, and will post again to see if it happens.
  4. Indelacio

    Indelacio Member

    There are indeed two doors that progress ahead in the training center, but you have to go back the U shaped corridor back to the entrance.
  5. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    I believe I have found out what causes this. I will have to try and see if it still occurs if you win against him first though. So far, I've got that after you lose, if you don't go back through the door you came and actually move further into the room you become completely stuck in the room, because it is coded so that it won't let you 'go back' in the room once you've left. But, they messed up somewhere and you actually get stuck if you end up not leaving the room, because the code activates. I could be wrong, but I will definitely investigate this further. I wonder if it happens in other places in the game...?
    It does in fact still happen if you beat garland. I am now positive that this is activated by not leaving the room but actually moving forward into it. I will now test to see if it still happens if you don't use the lock pick door. nvm, you have to go through that door first.

    You're missing the point of what room I'm in. I'm in the room where you fought the instructor guy, the one you have to pick the lock to get in. It's a square room. There is no 'u-shaped corridor'. Just a north door and an east door.
  6. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    If you mean the guy in the thieves den, he did not dissapear for me, I have spoken to him on at least 10 different occasions so far.
  7. Indelacio

    Indelacio Member

    Humm, this is shaping up to be wierd. I use a CycloDS as well, and breezed through the training hall, yet i have this problem with the gambler. Someone else's stating having no problem with him. What's going on here?
  8. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I am using CycloDS as well.

    @OP It may be easier just to start again with some new chars and just kill the instructor.
  9. Indelacio

    Indelacio Member

    Oh hey, the guy in the thief's den reappeared. Can you just not save near him due to the money making potential or something?
  10. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    I found out that it wasn't dying that caused it, but moving into the room instead of leaving. How atlus managed to miss such an easy find really confuses me. Unless it really is just anti-piracy measures? Could someone with the actual game test it out for me? All you have to do is start a new game and after you beat Sir Garland move forward, and don't go back out the way you came in. It should trap you in the room with no way out.
  11. nekosabre

    nekosabre Active Member

    it's working now after I applied the gamefix cheat. Maybe I just got a weird rom? I dunno, but at least now I can properly test this out.
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Not the ROM.
  13. beyond667

    beyond667 Member

    I use a CycloDS and passed the instructor. The guy in the den didn't disappear as well.. but NOW im still stuck. Ive explored most of the 1st and 2nd levels, and here are the things I can't pass (spoilers?):

    -the door in the docks (possibly because I can't solve the quest of Whirlwind Willy - any help?)
    -on 2nd level, there is another door that is magically sealed (inside one of the "snailhouse" formed tunnels, left center of the map)
    -the door to the machine room of the elevator in level 1 (doesn't worry me, possibly to be accessed later on)

    Please help
  14. beyond667

    beyond667 Member

    Never mind, got it.