Diablo 3 is on the way and no love for the PS3. I'm fine with playing on pc, but if i wan't to play it right i need to upgrade my sh*t. How sweet would it be to have it on your ps3. You wouldn't need to upgrade anything, and you can play it with a keyboard and mouse. who else is waiting for Diablo?
well the only diablo game i know that was released on a non-pc console was diablo 1 for the psx, and quite frankly, it sucked.
What Natalie?You look down at Diablo?It's the best selling dungeon-crawler/hack and slash of them all.By the way,Diablo 2 sold 12mil more than other RPg FF VII about 10 mil. Do you seriously think Diablo 3 is not anticipated at all?It's more popular than any Rpg Bioware has ever put out...Diablo 2(12 mil) outsold Final Fantasy VII(10mil). By the way,Rpg don't usually reach 10mil. Mass Effect 2?It won't even reach 5 mil. Except Pokemon. And it will be good and won't crash and buggy like Falout 3. By the way Diablo is the highest rated PC game on game-spot. And so far the only RPG that has ever won The Offical Game of the Year award by Academy of Inteactive Science and Art.The Oscar of gaming.Others were either a shooter or unique game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interactive_Achievement_Awards
Reading comprehension, dude. Natalie was clarifying the OP's mention of kb and mouse still being possible with the PS3. You should read posts before you spout off with a load of pointless information.
Thank you very much.I'm sorry. This is due to the fact that English isn't my native.So please accept my apology. Still,can you clarify it futher?I still coudn't comprehend what she meant.
That isn't saying anything if you're comparing sales to FFVII. Once it beats Super Mario Bros. then you can say something.
I was responding to the previous poster and the one above. The PSX version of Diablo sucked because I'm guessing partly due to controls (I just looked up reviews and it's the main complaint). Then the poster said something about controlling the game with joysticks, he clearly didn't read the first post saying that using a keyboard + mouse can rectify the problem with no need of upgrading. With your level of comprehension kratos, I'm sure you could understand that. I personally think that it'd be a great idea, it'd not going to happen but it'll be cool. It's a good way to satisfy both console gamers and PC gamers. Although for the PS3? I think a 360 version is more possible due to porting on the PS3 is an apparent nightmare, although with Microsoft's hold on accessories, I wouldn't see a keyboard + mouse functionality with it.
Dude,what game had beaten Super Mario Bros outside of Wii Sport? I'm comparing two fundamentally same game.(with differences in combat system and design approach) Mario is a simple jump-over things game targeted to a mainstream audience.No other game have even come close to the sales.(once again wii sport is an exception) Diablo is an loot based-dungeon crawler Rpg,Mature rated game.Rpg rarely reaches 10 million. Even FF has only one game that reached that.(unless you put Pokemon in front).I also mentioned the Game of the Year award.Also something that Rpg rarely achieves.Hell, even Diablo is not heavy in Rpg parts.(very light on story).Still,it's fundamentally Rpg.(very deep customization) 10 million maybe nothing compared to FPS.I mean FPS ,if good easily achieve that or surpassed that barrier.Yeah MW2 has 25 million!
well regardless of sales this still sucks chode. I need to upgrade for it, and so do a lot of other people. Everyone puts there money into consoles again. Blizzard needs to step it up onto the consoles. They can run their games now, and without compromising the keyboard/mouse setup.
Blizzard games don't really need a high end computer, I have a 2.2 Ghz processor and a Nvidia GeForce 8600GT and I can run WoW with some things on high and I expect to play with the same settings if I decide to get Diablo or Starcraft. Blizzard's not pushing tech, Crytech for now, is.
Right.Blizzard has never been about graphics.Sure,their games look pretty but that's not because of any high end graphics.It's artwork and attention to details that made their games charming. The problem here is if they decided to make a console version of the game,how long will it take? The first Diablo and Starcraft 64 sucked on console,surely they don't want to repeat that again considering their reputation nowdays.So how long will it take? Considering that Starcraft 2 beta is pretty low on system requirements,i'm sure Diablo 3 won't tax most PC.Their philosophy is gameplay first and for all,not just PC elitist. a.k.a graphics whore.