I just went thru my dvd collection (30+) and many of my movies have plenty of scratches... Alien, predator, doom, resident evil in this case...only one person in the house other than me would watch these...my younger brother. The marks are circular, meaning he's been pressing down on the lid of his portable dvd player to do such damage! And now...while they can be watched, I can't even back them up as dvd dycrypter is showing "focus servo" error and "check condition" errors (this is my external burner in use-other than my my brother jumping on it on some days it reads disc fine). I'm seriously annoyed by what he is doing to my disc based media, everything he touches has been "defiled" by him (his ds has finger prints all over the screen...greezy ones...as if he's wiping it with his thumb for some reason). He is 13, and he is a tad thick compared to other's in his age group...as much as I care for him I really want to stop him wrecking my gear...and I can't even ban him from my room (I may be an adult but I lack any power with my parents, nor is physically dragging him outta my room while kicking and screaming isn't effective), nor can I just lock anything away, not enough locks/door isn't compatible with a outter door lock thanks to it's shoddy weak design.
Don't worry, all the movies you mentioned are terrible. I presume the rest of your collection is of the same calibre, or lack of, as the case may be.
My bro was the same at that age. The worst thing he did: 'accidentally' deleted my FF8 save. Then I found him standing on disc 1 while skating about on a wooden floor. I still haven't completed that game! He's 15 now though and he's grown out of it now.
As much as I love children, I can't bring myself to harbour any sort of fond feelings towards my own brothers. I feel your pain. My little brother broke my Rayman CD... And I mean the original Rayman, for the PS1! Dammit.
Each to their own nex... My brother would purposly erase save data from my games if I pissed him off enough-he still has a clue what he's doing My brother almost made me destroy a gamecube game one time by knocking me...he had no idea how mad I was except for the ranting!
And that is why I tell my siblings never to touch my DVD cases or my data DVD collection... Or my Wii/PS2/PSX games as well. I always put them into the system to watch/play them. No one ever touches them without my permission. And if they do I just don't let them play my games. I also only let them touch them if I watch them put it into the system....@_@
Bit hard to do that when your out of the house 1st of all, I prefer them on dvd's, second I bought them out of respect for the movies that have have been damaged. 3rd and most resonable excuse-I just don't have the f***ing download power-DAMN YOU WIRELESS BROADBAND!!!
Though I have a little sister, the feeling is still mutual. Once she was potty trained she flushed a whole bunch of my stuff down the toilet, including my disney movies D: (they didn't flush, but they were wrecked beyond repair )
I can understand how you feel, and yet I'm the youngest. Where I know what to do and what not to do, my older brother by 4 years, tends to mess up everything he can touch. I have to hide everything from him.
...It's gonna be a big one. I spent $60 on a tower that holds 160 dvd's and it's almost full, I keep the fakes in a cd pouch so...yeah I have alot of real ones Getting another is out of the question sadly. Not if you hold the soul key, but knowing my luck I'll ethier be forced to open it for the kid or my dad would break the lock I was planning on giving him the car...he knows not to nick it...it's manual LOL, that would be my little brother's excuse I reckon, though I mess nothing of his...though when he's playing a game he tends to do badly when watched and starts blaming me because he died 100 times in a row... I have the same issue in the same part Not much you can do with a bigger brother (since they might claim right of access ), just do what you can for now.
Well, I'll be honest, us little brothers do have our moments. I've had my share of 'God Damnit, Kiro.' from my siblings, so I tend to watch what I do and not repeat them. But us little brothers need a little ass kicking sometimes. XD
Well, my older brother pissed me off just as often as I pissed him off. It's a sibling thing. We're pretty much obligated to fuck with each other and do mean shit like delete save files and such since some of us little brothers happen to be around 10 years younger so we won't be able to go up against the older brother physically. Best I can recommend is to find someplace to put them where he won't think to look for them.
A tad hard to hide 160 dvd's...but I have hidden what I need to. But what's funny is more brother can kick my arse somewhat, if it's not making me bleed from a bite, it's the old groin smash... He ain't afraid of me despite my power over him. Much agreed
i never knew you were into that... as for the dvd's, bury them and start calling yourself blackbeard.
you could always beat the shit outta him, it used to work for me. He wouldnt dare come in my room! my little brother isnt so little anymore though, 6 years as a royal marine and special forces support group sorta makes beating him up out the question now