Hello, I have a problem, since several days, my points didn't increase of 50 per day as before. Is there any change ?
I've gotten a few reports of this, but then mine do increase even when I'm a free member. =/ I am trying to figure out why they do not increase.
my points have stopped accumulating as well, i've been at 331 for the past couple of days. Post Merge: [time]1272863500[/time] a quick update, I have not downloaded anything for a week or so, I was allowing my points to build up for a download. Not sure if that could be relevant or not
My points update in 20 seconds, so I'll let you know it they changed. Edit: No, they didn't change. What's up with the server? I'm supposed to have 50 more points... Edit the Second: Never mind. Got my points. Whoops.
keep in mind that we have over 1 million members, thats a lot of database records to update so you might not get points as soon as the counter hits 0. If you're near the end of the database (newer members will be) it could be up to a couple of hours past zero hour before you get your points.
so I downloaded a game to day (68 points) and it seems to have unstuck my points. The math adds up, i lost the 68 and then gained back 50 when my counter went to zero. Ill see if it continues to increase.
maybe just download more often than you have been? I downloaded two games before my points updated, 50 and 20 mb.