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Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by wallyjuan, May 15, 2010.

  1. wallyjuan

    wallyjuan Well-Known Member

    this is for cyclods users new firmware(beta) V. b.2
    * Save sizes up to 32MB can now be specified individually per game
    * Pop-up menu is now accessible from the main menu by pressing Y while a bookmark is selected. This facilitates operations on the selected bookmark without first locating it in the game list
    * Added option to display last executed file in the bookmark list. Toggle option from the settings menu
    * Its now possible to customise the button combination to launch the last executed file, though the settings menu
    * Added the old cheat enable prompt as an option for those who prefer the old method of enabling cheat codes
    * Menu button is more responsive via touch screen
    * Revised the game list view modes - now there are simply 3 modes: ROM, file and recent. Big/small icons can be selected via the settings menu
    * Fixed <browseRootPath> functionality
    * Fixed cheat code clear all
    * Various small GUI bugs fixed
    * Game compatibility fixes (4856, 4868, 4883) Go here to download http://www.teamcyclops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13460