Can anyone help??? SOme dsi enhanced games won't play on my ds lite and don't know if there is anything I can download to solve this? Also, if i buy a dsi xl could I use the same card with the new firmware??
sorry You cant do that with DA SHIITY CYCLODS buy like a Ak2i or supercard dstwo and you can do that And if you buy a Dsi may i recomand DsiXL because they have 4.1 or 4.2 inch screens. if you going to buy a new flashcard for you new dsi buy from Shoptemp and make sure you do preimun service too because most dsi's are 1.4 now.
The CycloDS is also a fine cart. Getting an Acekard2i won't solve DSi Enhanced issues. Only improved firmware on any cart can fix compatibility for those. DSi ROM's though, absolutely no cart can play. No flash cart can emulate properly emulate DSi features as of now, and it's looking like they may never be able to. The Supercard DSTwo will make DSi Enhanced games no issue, but honestly, there are very very few DSi Enhanced games that warrant getting a new cart. I would just stick with the CycloDS and tough it out. Shame on that xxEpicPredatorz person for being a total uneducated ass.
the cyclods is a good card but isnt it only for nds or ndsl? also, dsiware wont work on any card right now, people dont care to make them work
Everyone freaked out earlier because the website went down for a week or so. They always do. It's not an uncommon thing for the CycloDS website to go down, but everyone started screaming about how they were dead and gave up. But they are still alive, and have a firmware release planned in the near future.
grr i know that i just said they have 4.2 inch or it was 4.1 you stupid 10 year old.... i did 4.2 or 4.1 for memory
Thank you all so much for you replies, you guys are the best!!! Romu rocks and it's great community!! Don't suppose anyone can help with Around the World in 80 days which keeps crashing after day 78 is completed by the screen going completely black??
What flashcard you have? Backup your files on your memory card then format. update your flashcard to latest firmware and may i recommended getting a supercard dstwo or get an r4 THAT can run wood r4! shoptemp is really cheap you can buy an Acekard 2i for under 15 dollars!