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Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I quit!

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by ZeroSlayer01, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    Forget it. Thanks anyway. I deleted both Crystal Chronicle games. The fast pace and all that jumping around gave me headaches and made me dizzy. For that reason and others, I quit.

    Anyway, here WAS the question below, in case anyone else was curious. V

    Can someone please help me, or is it a helpless situation? It's so frustrating that I want to cry. So, I'm in the temple, and I have to light both thunder switches at the same time. I'm trying to use the thunder magacite, and I know how to get two characters to use magic at once, but the magic keeps wanting to stand together. I try and try to make the one magic run away from the other, but no matter how much I move it (I'm using the keyboard for an emulator), I can't get them to seperate enough in the place that I want them to. Is there some trick to this? I've tried coming up with my own, even pressing two different arrow keys at once, but that results in the magic circle going all over the place. Please help me. I'm about to give up on Chrystal Chronicles, Ring of Fate because of it. Thanks.
  2. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    Youtube may help :3
  3. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    You know, I'm sick of short unhelpful answers like that. "Youtube might help" and "Google is your friend" are not helpful answers. If I thought youtube was helpful. I would have looked on youtube. The least you could add is whether or not the way I've been trying it is the only way or not, because if it is, then youtube would be about as helpful as me sitting there and crying while I try to do it myself. Besides, I did try to look it up and I didn't find anything that would help me. The least you could do is provide a link.
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    Yeah dude, at least link her to the damn video...or you might as well just not post at all...
  5. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    What temple is it?
  6. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    I think it's called the Crystal Temple. It's in Rebena te Ra. I haven't really stacked magic at all until this point in the game, because I didn't need to, so I forgot the tutorial, but when I looked for walkthroughs, I couldn't even find information for that in them, yet in the other game, Echoes of Time, I just played the tutorial for magic there and it mentioned holding one ring in place. Will something like that work in Ring of Fates? Otherwise, I keep end up moving both rings around without wanting to.
  7. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    its because some people dont even think about it.
    besides i havent played it so i dont know what vid to see, but if i'm stuck i just search for walkthroughs on youtube at where i am.
  8. ZeroSlayer01

    ZeroSlayer01 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    Yeah, just like you jumped to point out a youtube walkthrough when you haven't even played the game---so therefore you could be sending me on a wild goose chase for all you know. Please don't try to justify that kind of unhelpfulness. I know there are walkthroughs on youtube, but even so, I'm trying to figure out what buttons I'm supposed to press (because I can't even find that answer on walkthroughs on gamefaqs. Not saying they're not there, but I looked and didn't see them.

    Thanks anyway.
  9. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    hey i'm only tryed to help here even if it was a lame post,
    still you dont have to take it all out on me like that.
  10. deank27

    deank27 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    I got it from wikipedia, worth a shot?
  11. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: Crystal Chronicles: So frustrating I wanna cry!

    So why the hell are you even posting if you haven't played the game and you have absolutely nothing useful to offer?