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Crystal Chronicles Moschet Manor glitch?

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by Inunah, May 12, 2011.

  1. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    My sister and I were playing Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and there was a problem. Now, we've beat this level before and knew we had to kill all the Tonberry Chefs to start the boss battle, but for some reason we killed EVERY enemy in the entire dungeon and the boss battle simply refuses to start!

    There was possibly a glitch with a gargoyle disappearing early into the dungeon. Would that affect the boss battle starting? Because there's NOTHING to fight, we've got every treasure, and still the boss battle refuses to start. We've been out and around every single room, and ran out around the entire main room to make sure it wasn't because we were in the wrong spot or something.

    But seriously. How do we get the boss battle to start now? We've done everything we can think of.

    EDIT: By this point, we've left the dungeon, saved, and shut the game off. Now I want to know what caused this glitch. So we can avoid getting it a second time.