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Crayons: A staple diet

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by jarred121, May 16, 2010.

  1. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    to all the fancy free people out there. crayons make great pasta dishes. not only can they be worn as a hat, but they can be driven in as well. when you touch your bum with a wet towel, it will retract like the groove in the desk where you put you pencils. a man is not a man until he touches his willy. open up the door, and rectally ingest caffiene. Steve does not like you, he uses you as a carrying case.
  2. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    The sad thing about crayons is their background in the anti-social propaganda campaign that was used to falsify the vindication of the hearts and minds (and sometimes souls) of the unconventional robots forged from false steel to fight in the 100 year war. Maybe before speaking out so forcibly about such matters, Steve should consider the fathers of those involved in the creation of said abominations and consider the consequences of further towelling of his arse in modern society.
    I can see that the ways of things have become unclear, the social conventions that are the background of our spaceship have become weak of late, in times like these we must remember the sciences of our forefathers and follow the shrewd spoon with lack of understanding if so is necessary; this is what the child in the frog costume would have told us, and it has never lied previously.
    Bugrit, millennium hand an' shrimp.
  3. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Ok I didn't get that. Explain.
  4. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    You dare to try and lead the Friend down the corridor of random noises?
  5. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    you mothers keeps leaving frilly knickers in the corridoor. that is why it is a journey. make haste and deliver the panties to your mum. and gain 52 experience points.
  6. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    wtf is this?
  7. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    you dont know?
  8. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    yes, manchurian candidates fare well in the stock markets of the pavilion. bruce willis' movies suck. barriers to common institutions involve likewise manner in order to copulate and compute.
  9. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    I like pie and oh look it's spidey oh darn argh someone steal french fries crispy pasta are on the go looking like a foo with yo pans on da ground hey up there it's a bird oh shit I got the blue screen of death and pasta on the table haha yes I like pasta or pie? maybe both. I are on the move and cops are out for me haha log in them way weeeee I escape and an anvil come on road what the is that superman do that? unplug the cordless microphone and shout out for joy weeee and just then a kyptonite fell on superman's head "OH NO WHERE DID GREEN STONE COME FROM?" then bad guy from game said "I did it and you are now to catch me now" I are on a chase to man who did that to friend and then wow I got fire powers I so did to fire the guy and he died I laugh yay poop oh a lil froggie jump by and oh no it is venom! my fire powers died out me escapes out of here fastly!
  10. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    lugia, that was really good. my imagination just went wild with that one.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...why on earth are you so bored to make such foolish topics?

    Several starving kids died making this post, I have the whips to prove it.
  12. ADMSeraphes

    ADMSeraphes Well-Known Member

    There is no limit to the depravity of such rapists and murderers - in fact, I imprisoned nearly all of them. Only Mr. Rape escaped me.
  13. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    jared from subway denies you of your innocence, and tells you to go home. but then Mr Rape comes in, and does not rape you sexually, but with words. you dont realise you have been raped until you think about what he said.
  14. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    And so I sat there, weird and contemptuously, I told the cat "gobble gobble gobble goes the turkey". The cat didn't care, he barely loves me at all; when I look in his eyes, all I see is a longing for the silk neither of us may own. We have no right to own it, I keep telling him this; but all he hears is "gobble gobble gobble".
  15. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    The earth is flat... Einstein proved so!! Stop living in the 20th Century you philistines!!
  16. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    And the fat man said with malice; "Do your little turn on the cat walk." "But i'm not able." said the boy. So the fat man put the boy in a Nazi concentration camp until he had cooled down.

    "Make way for Superman." said Superman, as he punched everyone at the Coffee bean.

    Post Merge: [time]1274026251[/time]
    "Yes, i spoke to the gender confused robots the other day. They said: "bee boo bee boo boo bop." I took offense to it, and stole one of their delicious pies." The red crayon said seriously. "I consumed the pie, but then realized my epidermis was showing. So i ran off." Then the red crayon finally gave in, and kicked himself in the bean bag. He collapsed and asked himself, 'Why did i choose peppermint flavor?' The question was finally begged. Hacky-sack bag - the bag that hacky-sacks - was present at the trial and began to cry as he could not stand seeing his friend so afraid.
  17. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    I don't know what to say so I won't say anything or I better tell you about when my grandma met my grandpa and then we had rice, but I hate rice so I though I'd eat some mudkipz, but then my dog came and we played videogames with dead body of hypnos floating outside the window, oh my how cool it was almost like when I don't remember but I won't lie it was awesome, and I like crayons very much, so does the pope, and Polanski too.
  18. jarred121

    jarred121 Well-Known Member

    "It thought i told you. Don't whip the boy with a couch for a head! He bites!" She said nicely.
  19. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    The air may laugh, but nobody laughs with it; they think it a fool. The air doesn't even live in the same timezone as intelligence, and not even in the same hemisphere as insight.
    The ambassador from New Yawk spoke with Air, barely a whisper yet known by all, everyone knows; he wears an eye-patch with a mirror on the inside for introspection, yet his stray mind is never home to read the results.
    His conscious mind suns itself whilst the cattle trample the flowers and take tea in his house, they wear his cloths and dance and sing and crap everywhere; and so soon the fertiliser shall allow an oak to smash through the floor and into Air's domain, taking the grand piano and the cat with it. As Chester plays an instrumental take on MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This, the air weeps gleefully at its own, knowing self-correction.
  20. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry but, I am so f-ing confused right now...