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Could you get any lower than that?!?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tapwatah, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    I must say I'm very cross with many people. Think about this.

    If you own a System and buy games, then you are supporting the creators 100%. If you have a flash card and play roms on that or you have and emulator but still own the System, you're giving the creators 50%. If you don't have the original consle and neither the games and just run off an emulator, you are supporting the creators 0%.

    How could you cheat the awesome game creators out of their money by supporting 0%? I think that you should donate a bit to the company you're stealing from.
  2. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Lol there are so many reasons I could hit you with right now that you'd end up 10 years older when I'm done.

    But the most blunt one...I don't care about them. They make a living off of us, I'll decide whether I'll support them or not. 1 person isn't going to make a difference in an industry that BILLIONS of people are involved with.

    PS: Can I ask you something?What are you trying to do on these forums...your posts are either very sarcastic and come off as rude or you are just downright being weird...

    Or maybe you are this totally cool undercover agent..and you work for Seph..and I'm being the ass here? I'm just confused by your posts really. >_>

  3. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    ...no, I don't just flame people. But, it is true that many people use emulators. And, this is my opinion, but you shouldn't be able to decide whether to support them or not. You decide by buying a product. If you don't want to support them, you don't like their stuff, right?
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The people who use emulators aren't going to buy the games anyway, just because you play it doesn't mean you intended to have bought it if you didn't download it.
  5. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Actually, I fully support playing that old PCE game because you're cartridge died or something else happened. Or, you're playing old classics that can't be found n eBay. And, just playing a game separates from supporting a company. If you like the game, you buy it. That is very honest. It works upon the same principal of donating to RomUlation.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    not everyone can afford to buy consoles and games.
  7. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

    Loonylion: That doesn't give them the right to steal them. It's like saying if you can't afford a car it's OK to go to the dealer and steal one. Just thought I'd point that out.

    I personally take a look at this the same way I look at downloading albums. It's like taking a car for a test drive. If you like it, you'll buy it. If, however, you really don't like it, or maybe only one feature of the car, you're not going to buy it. It's the same way for music albums.

    As for movies and other things like that, if you've already paid the $12 to go and see the movie in the theatre, I believe that gives you the right to personally own a copy of that movie. You shouldn't have to shell out the extra $20-$30 for a DVD copy.
  8. Mikeyface

    Mikeyface Member

    If you buy a game used off eBay, you're not giving any money or support to the developers, you're just stopping other people from buying it!
    Plenty of people on here, I'm sure, download the games because they can't afford to buy all the games they want, then just buy the best few. That's what I do. If they don't want to buy ANY games at all? Well that's their choice, not yours.
  9. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what I think.
  10. cfiniris

    cfiniris Well-Known Member


    This is one way I look at ROMs: you go out and rent a game from a store to try it, right? If you like it enough, but don't have enough money to buy it at once, you can rent it again later on. However, if you go rent it often enough over time, you basically have spent just as much money as if you had bought the game in the first place. At this point, I consider it just fine to use a ROM of the game, since you've pretty much already paid for it.

    If a game comes out in more than one version but the different versions are virtually identical, I'm probably not going to go out and pay for all of those versions at full price anymore. I will buy at least one of the versions (actually I'll probably preorder it), but once I've done that, I don't see any reason to shell out $30 for a game that is only slightly different. On the other hand, should the price drop to $15-20...

    I know very well that neither of those points came out right...okay, here's one:

    If you own a system, one version of a game, and the ROM of another version of it (or even the same game), you're still supporting the creators of said game by buying a copy of it. Of course, should the creators butcher a game from its japanese release to its american one (I'm looking right at you, Capcom), then they might deserve to lose out of your money by destroying said game.

    Anyway, that's how I can justify the ROMs that I've downloaded. I also promised myself to buy the games I download someday when I have the money, so the company will get their cash from me...as soon as I get it.
  11. xyzzy

    xyzzy Member

    I, for one, have no money to buy the games I want with.

    The fact that I play Ouendan 2 with my R4 doesn't make Nintendo lose any money, because I wouldn't buy it otherwise.

    I'd question hether it's ethical for, say, Bill Gates to use ROMs, because he can afford to buy any games he wants.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    According to the law of my country; it isn't stealing. Theft by definition in UK law requires that the rightful owner be deprived of the stolen item.
  13. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    Well it looks like Nintendo and other console manufactures are cracking down on mod chips. but it doesn't say anything about flash carts

  14. tapwatah

    tapwatah Well-Known Member

    Many people don't have the original games, and don't have enough money to afford them, and they would support the company if they could. Yet, they don't have enough money and end up downloading the best games out there. There are also other people that end up downloading hundreds of roms and end up stealing more than $500 :eek:.

    Taking "test drives" is s good way to support a company, and I don't believe that there has ever been a demo cartridge or another way of commuting a demo, so getting roms for that cause is fine, as long as they support the company or compensate the company for making it.

    Oh yeah, airsoft, the ESA has been around for a long time. And I do mean a long time.

    Plus, looneylion, because your government does not have specific laws on a certain subject does not mean you should go out and download many, many, many games. I don't think that you were suggesting that, but I just wanted to make it clear.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we do have specific laws. The law for theft is so specific it excludes roms and pirated software.
  16. Spyder

    Spyder Guest

    I don't see much of a problem with playing on emulators. My personal reason is that the only two gameshops that are in my town don't sell classic games and i'm a poor student that can't be bloody arsed buying one on the internet.

    And to echo the sentiment of the second poster, i quite honestly don't see what me buying a game would do much for the game creators. Would they really appreciate my 5 pounds.

    In my opinion, most gamers that use emulation do it simply because they don't want to go out and buy the game. And why should they? If it's available (and not illegal), why not take advantage of it? Yes, i could borrow a few games from a few friends, but it's almost the same principle.

    Call me a cheapskate, but if a game i want and can't get (whether it's financial or geographical as in can't get it around here) i'll download it.
  17. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

    Any low-cost houses in your neighborhood?
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, house prices are at record levels.
  19. Winterreise

    Winterreise New Member

    Damn. Guess I'll have to move in with you, then. :p
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    hardly, I live in a single room with barely enough space to stand up in :p