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Could someone explain emulators?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by archlvt, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    I've downloaded Lameboy and SNESmulDS, and I'm under the impression that I need more than just the nds file, right? Some kinda patching or something? I have no idea.

    I haven't gotten my acekard in the mail yet but I'd like to be ready for it when it gets here. I've downloaded:

    akmenu4.ds along with its folders
    ak2loader.nds (firmware)

    Do I just drag all these files into my SD card when I get it? Or is there something else I need to do? I'm totally new with using flash carts so a lot of the lingo will mean nothing to me.
  2. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    No, lameboy and SNEmulDS work on their own, as long as the card itself does it's job.

    for firmware, you need akAIO 1.7.


    You just drag the _aio folder and akmenu4.nds file onto the root of the card, and you should be good to go.

    Make sure, however, to format your MicroSD with Panasonic SD formatter before using it though, as this can prevent all sorts of problems that come from the Windows formatter.

  3. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    The firmware is what I already had, the files are all the same.

    What do you mean the root of the card though. You just mean to the base of it without putting it in any additional folders?

    And thanks for the formatting link, I wouldn't have even thought of doing that.
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes, the top level.
  5. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    I appreciate it... So I should be totally set when it gets here I guess. I'm stoked. Boo-urns on shoptemps 2-5 week shipping though ughh. It'll be 2 weeks on friday.

    So...what's ak2loader.ds for then? I was told to download it somewhere but it wasn't mentioned here.
  6. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    It shouldn't be too much longer, depending on where you are. Where are you located btw? (Country, general area for example Central US or something like that)

    ak2loader is what akAIO uses to load games properly. If you didn't get them from http://akaio.net/loaders , don't use them. Loaders fix the newest games when they're updated.

    They go in _aio\loaders IIRC
  7. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Southern Ontario in Canada, in-between Niagara Falls and Toronto.

    Oh I see, and yes that's where I got it from. It was probably a link in these forums.

    Lol we keep editing our posts and you answer things right as I ask them.
  8. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    It shouldn't be too much longer to arrive, maybe 1 more week at most.

    Did you get an acekard 2.1 or 2i?
  9. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    2i, I have a ds lite.
  10. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Good, 2i is better, and has DSi compatibility if you choose to get one in the future. However, do not sell your DSLite as it is needed to update it for 1.4 use. DSi 1.4 blocks flashcarts. However there is an update to bypass it. (Sorry if you knew this already)
  11. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by update?

    And yeah I'd never ever sell my ds lite, I think DSi are a waste of money. LOSE my gba slot to get a camera? bite me dsi :p
  12. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    A core firmware update (Not akAIO or things you put on the MSD card) was released to bypass the 1.4 flashcart blocker nintendo put on their DSi's newest firmware revision. It changes it so the DSi detects the acekard as Danny Phantom rather than acekard so it will run.
  13. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    In other words, since I have a lite, I don't need to worry about any updating and I can disregard all this?
  14. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    i believe you cant run lameboy on this card, i think it only runs on supercartwo, or whatever ists name, i forgot. if you want it to work, you need to get a 3 in 1 flash thingy, lol :p, but the snemul works fine
  15. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Yep, no need to update it if you have a DS lite or Phat.

    Ummm no. You are thinking of GBA games, of which you do need a 3in1 for. Lameboy is for GB/GBC games, which does not require a 3in1 to work.
  16. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Oh jeez thank god, a huge reason I wanted the acekard to begin with was to play seasons and ages on a DS with proper lighting. It's terrible trying to play it on the original gba with the screen reflections and no backlight, and I didn't wanna buy an sp just for this.

    Offtopic question:

    HOW will the acekard arrive? Courier? Mail? Will it fit in a small mailbox? I just don't want it left in the rain or anything because it's been raining a lot.
  17. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    The acekard will arrive in a yellow mailing envelope, and will fit into a standard mailbox. If you have one of those tiny little slots in an apartment complex, then it won't fit : P
  18. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Nah It's one of those black mailboxes attached right to the house.
  19. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    oh. my bad, got mixed up with the emulators :p
  20. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    The acekard just showed up.
