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Could anyone be kind enough to help me??

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by djnarrow, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    Hi so I have some problems with my computer.

    Every time I try to play a game or watch a video my graphics driver seems to be crashing.. It says the kernel mode driver has crashed and then succesfully been reboot. I have set my wndows settings to the lowest (W98 look ftw!) but it still keeps crashing. Tried updating and downgrading but still nothing helps.. If anyone could give me some help..

    Specs are

    Motherboard : Asus rampage extreme 3
    Ram : 6 GB DDR3 Ram
    Videocard : Nvidia GTX 560
    OS : Windows 7 64 bit
    Processor : Intel i7 2.8 ghz

    If anyone could help me I would be so thankfull.. Actually had this problem for a year now but never had the time to fix it..
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    does it say WHICH kernel mode driver is crashing?
  3. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    Ah sorry the Kernel nvidia driver 301.42
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    all I'm finding are suggestions that its overheating. which shouldnt cause a driver crash but is worth checking anyway.
  5. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    Yeah that's the only thing I could find too but I actually replaced my video card with a newer one and it still gave that message.. Could it be my motherboard that overheats? If that's it I'm screwed cuz I really don't have the money for a new motherboard + processor
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It isn't likely. Download and install speedfan, and post its reported temperatures.
  7. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    GPU : 44
    System : 41
    CPU : 49
    AUX : 41
    Temp : 2

    And all my HDD's clock around 45...
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    OK, those figures aren't bad. (although 45 is a touch high for a hard disk) Now leave speedfan open, and play a game. When you get the message, quickly switch out of the game and post the temperatures at that time.

    also post the voltages if they're reported.

    If you're OK with taking the computer side panel off, do it and post the power supply output config (i.e the amps for each rail). Don't do this at the same time as the above, because taking the side panel off will affect the temperatures.
  9. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    Ok so I did and yeah it did got a lil bit high

    GPU 53
    System 32
    CPU 37
    Aux 40
    Temp 2

    And how do I check the power supply output config? Sorry if I'm coming off as a noob or anything..
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Those temperatures are not unacceptably high. The hard disk temps need to come down but that isn't a priorty right now.

    To check the power supply output config, you take the side panel off of the computer and it should be written on a sticker on the side of the power supply.

    Here's an example:

    the output configuration is the middle two rows. The power supply is at the back of the computer, usually at the top, but can be at the bottom.

    Does speedfan report any voltages?
  11. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    Uh yeah at the bottom of speedfan it says

    Vcore : 1.26v
    +12v : 11.56v
    AVcc : 3.36v
    CPU : 1.24v
    CPU PPL : 1.81v
    QPI/Dram core : 1.20v
    IOH : 1.16v
    IOH PCIE : 1.51v
    ICH : 1.11v
    DRAM Bus : 1.51v
    3.3v : 3.3v
    5v : 4.95v
    12v : 12.31v

    And on my power supply it says

    +3.3v +5v +12v -12v +5v
    22a 25a 82a 0.3a 3.5a
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    your +12V looks a bit on the low side, but it's still within tolerance. Your PSU has 82A on the 12V rail so it shouldn't be a power supply issue. I'll see what else I can find.
  13. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    Thank you so much seriously I have no idea what's wrong with it.. I've tried searching and searching couldn't find anything.. I found the thing that it could be overheating so I bought a new case with 2 huge fans on the side and a new CPU cooler.. Still didn't fix it so yeah I really don't know anymore
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    have you tried reseating the graphics card, or putting it in a different slot (if possible)?
  15. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    I'll try putting it in another slot but I don't know how to reset it?
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    reseat, not reset. It basically means take it out the slot and put it back in again, to make sure it's firmly in the slot and the electrical connectors are making good contact. Unplug the mains power before you do it.
  17. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    Ow that´s what you ment with reseat.. Yeah I already did that a few times no succes.. Tried another slot and got the message again so that didn´t work either...
    Post Merge: [time]1341931991[/time]
    Could it be that my CPU is getting too hot that it can´t direct my video card or something like that? I just opened my case thought I'd blow it out a bit and then when I felt my CPU cooler was cold..

    I have this fan/cooler thingy http://www.coolermaster.com/product.php?product_id=5279
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I believe I have an explanation now, after discussing with a friend

    He says that recent versions of nvidia's drivers have a serious flaw in them that causes frequent crashes on any geforce below the 600 series. 285.62 is known to work so try downgrading to that version. my friend says his works on 296.10.
  19. djnarrow

    djnarrow Member

    Hmm ok I never heard of that thanks! But actually I got a new SSD drive for cheap and installed windows on it... I reinstalled the nvidia 301 driver and am now downloading a game from steam to see if it works.. Hope it does!

    Edit : Ok.. It didn't help.. So now installing the older driver
    Post Merge: [time]1342530827[/time]
    Ok I tried both the older drivers (285 and 296) and both didn't work... Although it does work a little bit better I must say.. But still after a while it crashes and gives the fault message.. I dunno maybe you have some help with this information but whenever I try to play minecraft I get a message that the openGLU driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceedng the windows time-out limit and is unable to continue..