Who cares if it scars the children for life... at least it is cute right? One can only hope that they aren't siblings, otherwise that photo will haunt them forever.
If they are related,that is a most unfortunate situation. On another note... Yaya Han is freakin' hot. http://pixelatedgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/ada.jpg The others might have been too racy... didn't post.
too cute My four year old son runs around the house with anything he can find that resembles a sword and shield pretending to be Link. And at that age it's cute when they kiss regardless if related.. it's sweet. Cute pic <3
She hasn't, but she's cosplayed as psylocke which is just as good in my opinion. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2334/2197648479_d1c0ebfe8a.jpg
She still looks good, most imperfection's in cos-play is because the person wearing the gear isn't picture perfect to the original sorce body wise (which is obvious...) Now, you can REALLY find just about anything in cosplay...look what "gundam" brought up. Now, go here for a good laugh XD http://koti.phnet.fi/otaku/cosplay/cosplayawards.html
Haha, I was working on my Rain Boxes and Vongola box, then read this. Yay cosplay. The children were creepy though...
Awesome. Wonder how the world will look like if game cosplay would be fashion.. You could pretty much impress girls with your gaming knowledge, lol. Siblings : Lets hope they don't do it regularly.. Probably done it just for the sake of the image, which I see okay. And they only kissed, so it isn't much of a big deal.. To us. Also at the James one.. I ROFL'd like.. I dunno.