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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cjdogger, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I slowly see it coming... It grasps for everything... People, governments, businesses and this planet...
    Man has brought this on.
    I foresee quite a trouble coming... But no superstitious powers brought this on... Just logic and speculation...
    Can you see it too?

    And yes; I can see I am also affected by corruption...
  2. dave_salmon

    dave_salmon Well-Known Member

    It started with religion and/or politics. Control brought about by fear of something however subtle and then the steadily growing tensions between us all will go POP and this foreseen trouble will show it's ugly head. Although, this so-called trouble has been seen coming for a long, long, long time and is always tagged on to a conflict or a recession, etc. I doubt the "real trouble" will kick in any time soon, probably when we finally run out of oil and gas.

    Now i've commented on topic i HAVE to comment on how your post sounded like the dialogue for the chaos faction in DOW "I CAN SEE THE REAL FACE OF CHAOS! CAN YOU SEE IT TOO?"
  3. Conzgamez

    Conzgamez Member

    I saw that post before I even read it XD
  4. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    well people don't care for each other much anymore and that's what my main point is...
    And I don't even remember making this thread...