Well, my friend tried to download a psx iso both North and Europe version and both of them didnt finshed downloading the entire thing. She tried FFVIII with 490Mb... but it stops on 350-400+MB. She tried a couple of times which is taking her hours but with the same result. And the now it needs another 490 points which needs a few days again. So I tried it on my account with a different psx game and it also doenst finish downloading, is it just my downloading lazy or a corrupt file?
If it stops prematurely then it's most likely your connection that craps out, this is exactly why we recommend using a download manager so that you can resume broken downloads. I just tried downloading it and it came out fine.
Can you recommend a good download manager? there so many, some free, some i need to buy. I dont like downloading free ones then it has spywares or nasty stuff. Thanks in advance!
Well my connection is pretty stable, but when I test download managers I usually use flashget plus the flashgot firefox extension.