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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Karthegrax, May 9, 2007.

  1. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    The profile layout is exactly the same on this site as it is on romulation... Did romulation copy them or did they copy romulation??? Or maybe the same people make both sites...

  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Besides from using the same forum software I don't see the similarity.
    We both use the same forum created by Simple Machines.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we have nothing to do with that site, and as seph said, the only real similarity is they use the same forum system, which is hardly a crime. In fact; it's about 5th best in the world (security and stability wise), including paid-for systems such as Vbulletin (the best), so a lot more people should be using it. PHPbb is the most popular, and incidentally one of the worst, if not the worst.
  4. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    I didn't say it was a bad thing. It was just an observation. I figured it musta been sumthin like that. lol
  5. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    just a question whats wrong with a phpBB forum?
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    phpBB is very very hackable. :)

    SMF offers far better security, it has better admin features and it's easy to leech it's user system (as this site does)
  7. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    ah oke... can you easely modify the lay-out?
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Yes it has a very easy to use template system. Not that I'm capable of doing something even remotely nice. :)
  9. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    Ur so modest Seph. lol ;)
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not, I really am bad at graphics, I can program just about anything but graphics I always pass on. At best I can do some minor icons and graphics manipulation. Can't create original work from scratch.
  11. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    Aww well we can't be good at everything. You've put this site together and I bow down to you for that. It's kinda good that you don't have big flashy junk all over the site. It's simple and easy to use :D
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We won't make it flashy and annoying, we will make it more nice to look at though, but I can't say too much at this point. :)
  13. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    Fair enough. Long as we can still download roms and we still have the forum!
    Yay forums ;D
  14. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    im gonna try this forum software on my server then :)
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    definitely worth trying, but don't hold your breath for the next version; its been a while in coming and will be a while yet.
  16. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    i didnt discover any bugs yet so im gonna give it a shot!
    and they have a dutch language pack to ;)
  17. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    Aww i feel out of the loop now...
  18. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    what do you mean?
  19. Karthegrax

    Karthegrax Guest

    I don't have a server that i can put forum stuff on. I'm studying to learn codes and stuff for making a website though
  20. stripe

    stripe Well-Known Member

    and you didnt learn how to host one ???