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Convering saves

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Cheese_man, Sep 13, 2009.

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  1. Cheese_man

    Cheese_man New Member

    Hello there!

    I was wondering how I would go about getting a save from No$GBA to work on my Acekard2i (Has the latest AKAIO firmware)

    The save from No$GBA is a .sav while the save games on the Acekard2i are .nds.sav

    I thought that changing the extension worked but to no luck. :'(

    I googled save game converter and I did find a web sight http://www.shunyweb.info/convert.php but that doesn't have the .nds.sav
    Post Merge: [time]1252823927[/time]
    any one? ???

    I've tried to convert the save using the built in save coveter but that doesn't seem to work. The game loads like it has a save file and doesn't need to create one but then it gives me a blank file
  2. Arno38

    Arno38 New Member

    The save must have the same name that your game :
    Exemple : Mario Kart.nds -> Mario Kart.sav

    I Think The Acekard2i read the .sav, so try to rename ;)
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Forget the file extensions for the moment, they're irrelevant. Take a look at Shunyweb and you'll see that there's No$GBA (.sav) and Acekard 2 (.sav) options. Use these as your source and target formats.

    Then you make sure that the rom and newly converted save file have the same filename, excluding the extension.
  4. Cheese_man

    Cheese_man New Member

    I love you that solved everything
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