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considering a career change

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by calvin_0, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    its not that i hate my current job, but i feel like the field doesnt suit me anymore, i feel like i want to do something that i like, which is cooking, but i know nothing about being a chef, so basically if i want to change, i need to start over, redo everything that i have done for the past 6 years in my current field.

    i'm age 24 now its it too late for a career change?
  2. phishfood

    phishfood Member

    Theres nothing some hard work and determination won't solve, but I guess its easier said than done.

    What you need to find is someone to train you, or go to a class where you can learn such skills. You don't have to be a chef straight away, I'm pretty sure there are various roles to play in the kitchen and you'd likely have to work your way through the ranks until you become chef. Unless you want to start your own restaurant. Plus whilst you're training you're going to need money coming in to pay the bills.

    In any case, I heard this somewhere but I can't remember where "Do not fear death but a life poorly lived" So I think you should go for it any way you can, no point in living a life unfulfilled.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Nah, it's not too late for you to change career options, still fairly early. May I ask, what is your current job?
  4. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna be a Teacher, because I think studying is the only thing I do good -.-

    Then again, I might go into literary works... I know I'm not gonna be an engineer....

    I could possibly try cook, I learned alot of cooking skills from my mom, and I enjoy it

    Maybe a Doctor.... but if a plague comes that's deadly, I'm gonna be in hiding...

    A zoologist, I like animals....

    Oceanographer.....I wanna explore the un explored

    Teacher-I'll major in History/English/Science....(Not chemistry ahem) or maybe I'll be a foreign language teacher :D

    Teacher-top of my list
  5. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    MIS personal in some IT company.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member


    Just remember that teachers have to put up with a lot of shit from their students and they get paid shit.

    Also, depending on what your main study is in teaching, the requirements are harder than what you'll ever need. (Ahem, Calc 1 just for non-math-based teachers).
  7. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but to see what they grow up to be will be worth it wouldn't it? It sounds like a nice feeling, since its different than when you're a student.

    As a student, you wonder why the teacher can't tolerate much noise, whilst as a teacher, you wonder why the students can make so much noise... It seems like an awesome change thats worth it.

    Also, teachers deserve higher pay, they teach all the other jobs, but they get paid crap compared to what everyone else is making...
  8. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i did some searching it seem that in malaysia there is only one way, which is enroll in "diploma in professional chef" course since most Restaurant that offer Internship or Apprentice require that.....

    i just found a collage that offer that, i'll go visit them to get some info, i just hope they offer a part-time study since i cant really quit my job to study right now.
  9. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there are certain fields that are more likely to get hired then others, like a math teacher compared to a history teacher.
    i wanted to be an engineer hoping that i can be part of team that helps contribute to the science and technology world but i wasn't very good in physics. i wanted to pursue math with a teaching degree [teaching math] but then again it required physics which is something i wasn't that good at again. eventually i went with history, it's probably easier then math and physics classes but you do have to deal with interpretations and knowing how to back your reasoning even though it maybe obscure with primary sources.

    i wanted to teach not to get money but to be someone. i find that sometimes living isn't enough but want to do more. i wanted to inspire people so that one day they will look back in their life and i'm part of them. i didn't get this thinking from watching batman either. but i can't go after my teaching ideals anymore as i'm getting old. so i'll just be focusing on history.
  10. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    You should try interning first, get a feel for the job before you actually try it. Get some professional advice from a hef, and try getting a part time job in a fast food restaurant to get a quick feel.
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    good advice, but since i cant really give up on my job now, so i cant really try in job 1st, but i worked in fast food line during my teenage day (just not in the cookingt dept). But i'll try to seek out advice from professional chef.

    edit: well i read couple of artical about "Life as Chef", look like being a Chef is more complicated then i though, since its your responsibility arent only at cooking, but also managing the kitchen, going grocery, perparation of the menu, and turning raw food into ingredient. Its sound like fun, but it also sound like require alot of hard work (and much lesser time for gaming..... >.<). After reading those artical, i need to rethink this over again, i need to make sure i'm perpare to give up some of the thing i have now (like gaming time.....)
  12. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I had to sacrifice gaming to do good in school *Cries* I only got +3% on my already good grades -.-

    My problem is that I'm getting stressed without the gaming :(
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @Cal: having had work experience would be an asset for you so a change of career should be doable. But I got to ask, you said you want to do something you love & it seems cooking is one of them, then why are you a bit hesitant to start over? Just take some culinary classes & let your interest guide you.
  14. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well money is the main problem for me..... i have 4 insurance (Accident insurance, Medical insurance, Life insurance and Retirement Plan) not to mention i need to pay bills and help my mom on her new car.

    thats why i'm thinking hard....
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    programming is something I love and I have 13 years experience of it. Despite that, I could not do it as a job because I would lose interest in programming very quickly if I did. It is not always as simple as taking up a hobby as a job.
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    what loony said was true as well.

    i would like to add, on top of that, my current job have alot of freedom for me and i kindda like that freedom and also i need to change my current lifestyle if i want to become a chef.
  17. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    working in a fast food place is not good advise its not cooking its heating food.

    its not to late to change your career but it will take some hard work. i know here where i live you can do almost every course as part time or evening class, don't know if you can find the same but you should have night classes or something like that.

    best way is to start in a real kitchen but you have to start low like a kitchen porter then a commis and as you get better and start to know the other chefs move up.
    don't go looking to be top dog in a shit kitchen, its better to be a crappier tittle in a good kitchen as you will learn allot more.
    my brother is a head chef in a very good restaurant and he got there from starting out low and having a true skill and passion better chefs invited him with them to different restaurants as they moved up the chain of command thus moving him up until he had the skill to be head chef.
  18. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    equitypetey you arent from malaysia are you? if you are, i would like to meet your brother.
  19. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Don't you have some savings in the bank Cal? If no, then why not go for a loan, or if your country has something like it, why not go for a government assisted loan.

    Then if you're worried about your obligation to your mom, then have a sincere talk with her, explain to her your feelings about the matter, surely she can understand you if you explained things to her.
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    no i live in the uk.

    and don't get a loan, loans are for stupid people. never borrow what you don't have there are always ways of doing things it my be hard but its better in the long run