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Computer Boot up problems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bladedfire, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Bladedfire

    Bladedfire Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, my computer is going kooky. think you can elp me out?

    This one is a Dell Dimensions XPS B866.
    Running HP Palvilion Windows ME (wierd right)

    The problem is that it wont start up normally. Im serious. It will show the OS Loading page for a few seconds, then suddenly shut off. Then after that, it will come up showing the OS choices menu, and it WILL start up in Safe mode. but safe mode is blargh. I want the real computer! ;D

    I have a feeling I put a bad driver on it. See, the computer has this problem of having no sound. So for the past few weeks I have gone oh a huge internet search for drivers. If I see cwc___ one more time, Ima go nuts because Ive installed a millioin of them 100 timnes from wednesday. :eek:

    I went in and took out all the drivers I put on that I could easilly get to (with the accessed and added on dates). But Im stumped. I havent asked my computer expert yet, I might will this weekend. But I want to see what cha think. Thanks! :D
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Format and reinstall windows.
  3. Bladedfire

    Bladedfire Well-Known Member

    WTF?!?!?! ITS THAT SERIOUS?! :eek:

    anyway, I cant do that. I dont HAVE any Windows ME install discs, and If I tried it, Id **** the computer up worse than before.

    is that ALL that will fix it?
  4. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    DON'T DO THAT!!!!
    ok before your PC boots or even when you press that button, repeatedly press F8 to access safe mode. if that doesn't work, get your old windows disc and access the BIOS. go to advanced settings and set your boot device to CD-ROM. then put your windows CD into it then save.
    Post Merge: [time]1286547250[/time]
    oh well do you have a CD burner? grab an old CD and then download windows XP and burn it.
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    So you really mean - DO DO THAT!!!!
    Post Merge: [time]1286547425[/time]
    Its nothing serious and its piss easy, all you do is insert the disc and follow the instructions. You can't go wrong.
    Be done in no time.
  6. Bladedfire

    Bladedfire Well-Known Member

    what next?

    I can get to safe mode. easy. when I start the computer up now the choice menu will be right there.

    I've undone all that I think Ive messed up, but I have no clue what now.

    EDIT: um, no. I kinda want ME. I have two XP';s already and variety is the spice of life. and that is pretty much the same the=ing. I also wont know what Im really doing, I dont know if the computer will take it, and my momwont let me. action vetoed ::)

    Well sure its just follow instructions, but Im kinda notorious with that lol.
    My mom, who is the authority on all computers also wont let me. that pretty much rules that out.
    and its a kinda old computer. XP might be too much for it.
  7. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    well that is a "no other choice have done everything and nothing worked" option.
  8. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Download ME then install it.
  9. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    well once you have undone everything then reboot back without safe mode. perform a anti-virus scan just to be safe
    Post Merge: [time]1286547633[/time]
    not that simple. ME was made for users who have DOS so unless you are some master person who knows how to execute and mount CD's and install them off a simple CMD program then go
  10. Bladedfire

    Bladedfire Well-Known Member

    Thats the problem.

    I CANT REBOOT WITHOUT SAFE MODE! -puts away megaphone :3-

    if I tried that, then the thing shuts off. with no warning. at all. I dont think the parts are bad its just.... argh.

    can you run AVG without the internet in safe mode?
  11. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    go to run. then type msconfig.exe. pres enter then click diagnostic startup. after that reboot normally and see if it will crash or not
    Post Merge: [time]1286547905[/time]
    I seriously think you should do a virus scan.
    Post Merge: [time]1286547930[/time]
    how are you accessing the forums anyway?
    Post Merge: [time]1286548194[/time]
    yes you can perform all in safe mode
  12. Bladedfire

    Bladedfire Well-Known Member

    1. kaythanks

    2. kay, can it run without internet.

    3. I have like *counts* 6 computers that I can use. but only 2 in internet-able, 2 are broke, one is ****, the other is my old ME/Dell. and only 3 of the coumputer I can use ar mine. so Im not internetless. I am gaming/do-everything-on computerless.

    I do think its some bad driver.
    On the startup choices, I chose this step by step startup. I told it:

    Creat bootlog.txt: Y
    load SMARTDRV cache: Y
    loading ________ driver......
    Load all drivers: N
    Override _______________: N

    and it started in safe mode.

    If you want, I can make a video, but itll be after about 1:00. when I get it up. The blanks are things I forgot.

    EDIT: kay, going to try mconfig, then Ima download AVG for it. OH GAWD, MY FLASH IS FULL AGAIN. DAMNIT!
  13. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    it can run with or without internet. safe mode is like your PC with all the stuff turned off. you can do practically everything on safe mode. it's literally faster. and yes I need to see the blanks. it's required
  14. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to use last known good configuration option in F8
  15. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    safe mode is automatic for him. read the whole post
  16. Bladedfire

    Bladedfire Well-Known Member

    well, not automaic, the choices is automatic.

    I think it satys:

    Marmal with boottxt
    Safe Mode
  17. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    have you clicked normal? what was the last webpage visited or last downloaded program before this happened?
  18. Bladedfire

    Bladedfire Well-Known Member

    Last thing I did was install some driver, I think some NDVIDIA monorter ones trng to get my sound to work. I was also getting alot of CNET driver packs with cwcspud.dat and cwchrtf.22/.44 I think.

    Msconfig. no work

    something important coming up, so Ill get the otehr stuff soon as
  19. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    you better not download those drivers unless it was from the main site. you SERIOUSLY shouldn't download them off a diff site. what site did you get them from? site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site sait site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site site.
    Post Merge: [time]1286549876[/time]
    time for me to sleep. I'll see you in about 10 hours. It's saturday tomorrow so no school :D
  20. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    [I can get to safe mode. easy. when I start the computer up now the choice menu will be right there]

    I did read it,above is what he said

    Anyway thats rich coming from you-doh stick in ME disc when he said he had no discs.Ill leave you help him out LOL