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Comparison of 3DS Flash Carts/Features

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by worldgame1001, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. worldgame1001

    worldgame1001 New Member

    As of late, the forums have been rife with complaining, bickering, and speculation as to what the Nintendo 3DS flash carts are capable of performing. The purpose of this thread will be to quell the onslaught of duplicate threads and questions by providing a comparison of the features (not the actions/moralities/responsibilities of these teams thus far) of each of these chips as they appear. A support/cloning thread may be created in future to discuss the legalities of such efforts, but this topic is not the location to discuss it. Please note that the date in the title will be the date in which the latest relevant information regarding these kits has been added to this post! As information is changing constantly, this thread will be continually updated when significant information is released. By the end of this thread, you should have a grasp as to what exactly you would like to purchase. If not, at the very least, you should have a grasp on the major players. If you are confused, please let me know.
    Comparisons of the 3DS Flashcarts

    1. Gateway 3DS

    The Gateway 3DS is the original flash cart, presented as a high-quality flash cartridge. A very thorough review of this flash cartridge was written by our very own Devin, which is posted here. The Gateway 3DS presented themselves as a new company and with some rather dubious initial progress. Gamerclub was fresh from the scandal that was the Crown3DS, and the initial response was hesitant to embrace this company. As time passed, the Gateway 3DS team proved their reliability with swift updates and promises on features that many had sought out, earning praise from customers.

    With the release of the new v2.0 firmware, emuNAND has been brought to the table. Newer game compatibility is present, with the exceptions being the NAND saving versions. Care and attention to the instructions provided by the Gateway team is required, as several users have accidentally updated their real system NAND in place of the emuNAND. Carries some limitations and dangers, due to a beta release. Again, strong caution advised.

    Other miscellaneous features include Multi-ROM, and other features that have yet to be integrated, including integrated menus, fully working emuNAND with the latest support, backing up of cartridges, homebrew and online support and FAT32 based drag and drop systems.

    Pros of the Gateway 3DS
    Easy setup and use
    Save files could be backed up
    Plays identically to a retail game
    Region Free
    Can spoof firmware
    Cartridge is made of high-quality plastic
    100% Game compatibility
    Multi-ROM support
    Homebrew and online support

    Cons of the Gateway 3DS
    Unit is the highest priced of all other chips

    Miscellaneous Notes:
    Users are advised to not mix and match the firmwares and files used by other devices, such as the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe, 3DS Link, and MT-card. Such integrations of other software will cause corruptions in the launcher.dat file needed to run the 3DS exploit, resulting in irreparable damage to the console.

    2. R4i 3DS Gold Deluxe

    This unit came into prominence after the release of the Gateway 3DS. As usual, Devin, bless him, provided a very thorough rundown of the flash cart, found here. This unit is a competitor to the Gateway 3DS, with a lower price tag. Features being developed are similar to that of the Gateway 3DS. The team has solid backing and prominence as the developers of the R4i Gold, currently a popular Nintendo DS cartridge due to its ability to support the Wood firmware developed by Yellow Wood Goblin.

    With the release of the new v3.0 firmware, emuNAND has been released for the 3DS and provides the stability and support for emuNAND up to v7.0.0.X 3DS consoles. Most of the features of this chip are virtually identical to that of the Gateway 3DS, as the firmware uses a modified launcher based on the Gateway original.

    Pros of the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edition
    Cheaper than the Gateway 3DS
    Easy to set up and use
    Save files could be backed up
    Plays identically to a retail game
    Can play most games
    Region Free
    Can spoof firmware

    Cons of the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edition
    No online gameplay
    Plastic is of poor quality, which may lead to future contact issues
    Some games do not work yet*
    Firmware is a derivation based off the Gateway original.

    *A lot of the games that currently do not work, such as Pokemon X/Y, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf, are being worked on. This is due to the games requiring a special method of saving involving the NAND.

    Miscellaneous Notes:

    According to the reviews of several colleagues, such as Devin, and based on information I already have, this cartridge can be a competitor to the Gateway 3DS. As of this moment, both cartridges are almost identical in terms of features. The unit is slightly cheaper, but it comes at the cost of an inferior plastic shell. It has come to light as well that the team's firmware is a derivative of the original Gateway work.

    (1/14/14) Users are reporting that their consoles have been rendered inoperable and irreparable due to corruption in the launcher.dat that may be due to using software that has been modified off of the Gateway coding. Code that is activated by a random number generator has been discovered to brick consoles beyond repair.

    Please note that all 3DS chips come with two different chips, one to play 3DS games (v4.1 to 4.5 only) and a chip to play NDS games.

    3. 3DSLink
    The 3DSLink flash cart is a derivation of the R4i 3DS Gold Deluxe Edition. This cartridge was announced at a similar time as the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe. Confirmation from GBAtemp's Devin has revealed that the internal PCB of this flash cartridge are identical to that of the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe. In essence, the features of this chip and that of the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe should be very similar, if not identical.

    With the release of the new v3.0 firmware, emuNAND has been released for the 3DSLink.

    Unit behaves and functions almost exactly the same in comparison to the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edition.

    (1/14/14) Users are reporting that their consoles have been rendered inoperable and irreparable due to corruption in the launcher.dat that may be due to using software that has been modified from the original source. A hardware kill code has been found in the firmware that is set to execute on certain date(s) that renders the console unusable!

    Please note that all 3DS chips come with two different chips, one to play 3DS games (v4.1 to 4.5 only) and a chip to play NDS games.

    4. Orange 3DS

    The Orange 3DS is a variant of the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe edition and the 3DSLink flash chip. According to rumors, the chip is more similar to the flash chip. The website shares resemblances to the website. With this rumor, it is more than possible that the chip circuitry should be very similar if not identical.

    Please note that all 3DS chips come with two different chips, one to play 3DS games (v4.1 to 4.5 only) and a chip to play NDS games.

    5. MT-Card

    A new player has emerged from behind the curtain, the MT-Card. The details of this product are starting to poke into the wild a little bit more, and it appears this team is working independently from the Gateway team. A video was released, below. Features are as follows:

    Updatable USB functions, built in CPU
    Multi-ROM support, SDHC card support
    FAT32 Drag and Drop without need of flasher.
    Save directly without need to press home
    Save editor
    NAND emulation up to v7.1
    Card Dumper
    eShop support

    Miscellaneous Notes

    Several of the highly lauded features did not make the initial release, the only major one being multi-ROM support. With the development of the 1.1 firmware and having been set for public release, the cartridge is showing some promise of independent development. More features have been added to give this cartridge a better standing in terms of a chip with better features.

    The Winner?

    -As of this post, the winner is not clearly defined. Each chip has its own features and price range that can suit many. To say that one cartridge is a clear victor over another at this point would be premature, especially with the release of the emuNAND firmware update so close at hand. The best that can be done at this point would be to buy the cartridge that suits your budget, and play the games that you want. At this moment, homebrew is not compatible with any of these units. Please also note that your console must be within the range of the 4.1 to 4.5 firmware, with the prospect of higher firmware support unknown. (11/25/13)

    -With the addition of the Orange 3DS by popular request, the above verdict still stands: there is no clear winner until the new firmwares with emuNAND and multi-ROM support are released. (11/26/13)

    -With this post, I'd love to title it the war between clones, but that's unprofessional of me. With new firmware being released by Gateway 3DS, the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe, and the 3DSLink flash kits, it is clear that the winner would be the original team, the Gateway 3DS. The R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe and 3DSLink merely took Gateway 3DS's firmware and adopted a skin over, essentially, creating a carbon copy firmware that shows little to no change. The same limitations and problems of the Gateway 3DS beta 2.0 firmware are present in all carts. The winner, again, I would have to declare is the Gateway 3DS for being the one team that could push forward with all the revisions. The only reason to consider the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe at this point would be for budget issues. While the R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe is backed by a great and reputable team of the past, the kit's carbon copy firmware proves that the Gateway 3DS is by far the chip to own, despite a slightly pricier tag attached to it. (12/9/13)

    -With the release of the MT-Card, or I should say the limited information, it raises interesting possibilities, but the key concern is whether or not this chip is a standalone device or copying off of the Gateway 3DS. I would advise caution and patience until a qualified reviewer gets their hands on the chip first. (12/19)

    -With the news that 3DS consoles have been rendered inoperable due to clone device usage and modification of the launcher.dat, it is highly recommended to proceed with extreme caution or avoid purchases of said devices until more information is provided. [1/14/14 4:43PM PST] Gateway has reported that 3DS users only using the Gateway will not be affected. Please do not mix and match or use clone software in conjunction with the Gateway 3DS.(1/14/14)

    -Gateway having offered to help customers who have suffered legitimate bricks definitely could restore faith, but time will be needed to determine the full extent as to how the process will be conducted, and whether or not the follow up is successful. (1/16/14)

    -The MT-card released a new firmware a week or so back, and with the new release of version 1.1, the MT-card has almost all the features that made the Gateway chip a celebrated card. With this, Gateway needs to reveal it's 2.0 final hand to possibly tip the scales back in their favor. At this point it could either be Gateway or MT-Card, with both having similar, if not identical features at this point. The good news is, there's another team out there that is showing promise and initiative. And of course, I apologize for my delay in updating the thread. (3/7/14)

    -Gateway team came back this week with guns blazing, a new private beta and a turnaround release for the public. I was definitely impressed with what the team had to offer on this update set, and as of right now Gateway has secured the throne for themselves for the time being. This update has not had any reported issues of bricking, leading to a hypothesis that the bricking mechanism has been modified or removed. And again, apologies for my slow updating of this thread. I'm never doing an update on my phone again. (3/30/14)

    -With MT-Card's new update they seem to be closing the gap with what Gateway had accomplished with their OMEGA firmware release. Gateway still seems to be the better option here though. (4/3/14)

    -Honestly, I'm not quite comfortable saying one cart over the other. The two clear standouts are Gateway and MT-Card, but each one has its merits and pitfalls. To choose one is a matter of personal preference, with one of the main impediments being price. If it were me I would choose Gateway, merely because they've done a lot of work, but my advice is to do some research and pick one that caters to you. (5/13/14)