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Comments section

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by NastyBedazzler, Dec 5, 2009.

  1. NastyBedazzler

    NastyBedazzler New Member

    I really like this site, it's usually one of the first places on the Internet to find new releases and the overall look and feel of it is fantastic.

    That being said, I cannot tell you how many times I've come here to download a ROM only to see one of the moderators complaining that people aren't following the forum rules, etc.

    Every forum on the Internet suffers from the same problem so my suggestion is that you should either relax and not let it bother you so much or remove the forum completely, instead linking to the gbatemp forum that corresponds with the release... that way you don't have to deal with it.

    I'm surprised anybody posts in the forum at all with the nonsensical rules, banning threats, etc. People are idiots, you kind of have to put up with it on the Internet and no amount of warnings or bannings will ever change that. Just an idea.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    which of our rules are nonsensical?
  3. NastyBedazzler

    NastyBedazzler New Member

    I'm sorry maybe I chose the wrong wording. It's just that the rules are constantly changing or being made up partway through the comments section. Take for example the Zelda comments section, how can you expect people not to post about their issues with the piracy protection? And how can you expect people to read halfway through all the messages to get to the new ban warning placed midway through the forum posts?

    All of the rules listed below seem a little too intense for this kind of community in my opinion. I'm just suggesting that perhaps you guys relax a little bit. I'm not trying to step on any toes, but this forum is for suggestions and this is mine.

    * English only.
    * Please use the forum for support, support will not be given in comments.
    * Do not use chat-speak. If you cannot be bothered to write "you" instead of "u" or "for" instead of "4" then please don't bother at all.
    * Please contribute to the game comments by arguing your opinion "this sucks", "this is awesome", "what is this about?" and similar will be deleted. Also don't comment on a game you haven't even tried yet.
    * Do not post 'first', 'second', 'thanks', 'I want this in English' or similar comments with no substance.
    * Do not be rude or vulgar in comments, RomUlation is PG-13!
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    All those rules seem too intense? Hmmm.
    What exactly is wrong with them? Your reasoning for us to lighten the rules is "people will break them anyway" ?

    The only one that is ever an issue is the Technical Help issue. Comments are not meant for that, and it is much easier to provide support on the forums where it should be.
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's hard to enforce, but these rules help us understand each other, otherwise the forums would be filled with indonesian speech, "omg u lyk dat" and "YAY FIRST TO REPLY" rubbish.

    I for one am lost on other forums, and while it may seem harsh (and with my 3 warnings on my recored) these mods have been around and seen alot...

    EDIT:It's mainly to help other people out who have less forum experience, and to maintain a professional stance.

    I just ignore what happens around me and try to worry about myself..even if spread my opinion around too much.
  6. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    All the rules are clearly specified in the section right above the comment form. They are not hard to follow, if people don't follow them then we warn and ban, it's that easy.

    the rules are there to enhance the experience for people who have their stuff in order. So when the comment section is filled with "thanks!", "this doesn't work", "how do I get this to work on r4?" or similar then that pollutes the quality of the comments as a whole, because now this person who owns an AceKard, M3, CycloDS - or whatever else which is actually still updated - can't figure out if it's an interesting game or not.

    It might be strict rules but that's how it is, every place can't be 4chan or your local haircutter where you can chitchat about a bit of everything, we have strict quality expectations for our comments and we'll continue to enforce those. If you want the chitchat then I'll suggest doing that somewhere else.
  7. NastyBedazzler

    NastyBedazzler New Member

    Right on. It was just a suggestion.

    I'll always visit and appreciate the site no matter what... I just wanted to throw my two cents out there for whoever felt like listening.
  8. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    If people break the rules, can't you show them a pop quiz with multiple choice questions about the rules.

    A bit like: "If you're not reading by yourself, you will be tested!"
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That would annoy the people who submit good comments, bit like anti-piracy protection really. :p
  10. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Lol, will you include a button that will circumvent the anti-piracy protection then? :D

    A good comment is one that follows the rules and is informative, so good commenters aren't affected. It's more like a flag a moderator can set instead of a ban.