I went to Destrega ISO and since i love the game, i commented. It already had two comments and mine would be the third. But weirdly, after i comment, the comment above mine got my name but was another person who posted it ~ I did not double-commented. Screen http://raphaelddl.com/iup/images/690828233092322179.png
Errr, are you absolutely, one hundred percent sure you didn't post that comment long ago? Do you remember the user who did post it? Because there's nothing in the code to change the user of a posted comment, it just inserts a new database entry...
Hmm im not sure but.. when i was posting, the 2nd post had no avatar and i had already added this one. After i posted, both appeared with my avatar and my name... ~ Wah, cant remember the name >___________<' Waybe was me a long time but even if was, did not showed my avatar I'm confused <'O'>
Well it's still not showing your avatar for me. http://forum.imguol.com/avatars/gallery/GameCube%20(6)/gc289.jpg You must likely have a cached version of it.
Yah, was cached T_T i clicked on link and showed me normally. now with ctrl+f5 showed a 403 forbidden lol Ok, nvm this topic. Probally i got pwned by myself.