Hey guys I've been playing this F2P MMO based off the Dungeons & Dragons (3.5 Edition) called DnD Online or DDO and I want to start a new character but playing alone sucks and none of my guildies are in the mood to start new toons so I figured I could recruit some team-mates (and maybe some more guild mates ) Although first I must say there is a way to pay for the game monthly too get some extra perks (Which IMO is quite useless) but you can just ignore that...if you REALLY have cash to burn just buy something from the store (like a new race or something) but aside from "bonus" stuff its 100% F2P. The point is its f2p cant hurt to try it...and it doesn't suck like most F2P MMOs (mostly because it used to be P2P) Anyways if you want to play just sign up here : DDO Signup