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CNN Hero of the Year was Robbed by the Philippine Government

Discussion in 'General News' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 8, 2010.

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  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Sorry if the article I will post "might" not be credible but trust me, this actually happened.

    I first heard about this a week ago near New Years Eve. My mom & I was listening to a local radio station we often listen too (DZMM) when 2009 CNN Hero of the Year Efren Penaflorida came up for an interview. A very teeth gritting & blood boiling bit of information that Penaflorida himself detailed got our attention.


    As I said, I couldn't find an article by a highly credible News source as no one seems to have payed attention to what he said on that radio interview.

    This is as good as I can find so bear with me please:

    the Multiply blog entry's link: http://manilaguy25.multiply.com/journal/item/118/118

    My reaction: Ladies & Gentlemen, THIS IS the true face of our atrocious Government :p

    What pisses me off is, the guy is a noble person with such a noble cause: Bringing Education to the less fortunate children living in extreme poverty.

    Why the feck would our government collect taxes from such a person? Shouldn't they give him better benefits instead?

    HE IS, a true hero, someone to truly look up to & admire. Somebody worth showing the world what & who a Filipino is.

    Just compare him to that annoying muthaf... {oops got to watch my tone here) Manny Pacquiao who the government is treating like an uber V.I.P.? He's such a douche & he doesn't even do anything worthwhile to serve his country & his fans. Sure he gives "groceries & other cheap garbage" to his local neighbors in General Santos City, but other than that, he hasn't done swat! :p

    Not only that, he is a high stakes gambler, wasting away hundred thousands & even millions of Philippine pesos in Casinos. He even reportedly lost 37 thousand pesos on a game of Mahjong to that murderous Andal Ampatuan Jr.

    It's really, sad that people sees a douche bag like Manny Pacquiao as a shinning glimmer of hope & a symbol to what a Filipino is.

    But never the less, I applaud Penaflorida's grace & finesse , he gladly accepted his country's government's obvious corruption & still vowed to pursue his cause.

    Bravo man, you truly are a hero! [​IMG]
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it would be 40% or 50% tax in this country.
  3. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Even pacquiao earnings got taxed. well, i know what you mean, its like the UN gave the philippines some donations for the poor but got taxed cause of a some sort donation tax... but well, the law is the law.... if we go against it, we will be arrested for breaking the law...
  4. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    tbh while I do agree with you that our government is corrupt, people are overreacting on this issue. It's perfectly legal to tax winnings (and money you win from gambling, too) so they're not "robbing" him. They're just doing their job. (Whether the tax revenue they get from his prize will actually go to national development is another issue... :( )
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Either you're too young or you're being naive. If what you're saying is true, then how come our Politicians themselves & some celebrities (Actors, Sportsmen etcetera) bend the law in their favor. The answer my friend is money :p

    And since when did this government do anything that sincerely benefits the populace? Most everything they do has an underlying hidden agenda, to make their faces look good :p

    And his winnings did not arise from frivolity mind you, he was awarded an honor for doing something beneficial.

    "It's in the law" fine, but has the government compensated him for his work since?
  6. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    yup, i agree that his money came from CNN to reward him for good deeds.

    Was he not given any recognition by this government?
  7. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    You seem to be forgetting about politicians like Risa Hontiveros (who was nominated for a Nobel Peace prize, btw) who genuinely want to make a difference. Or Duterte, who's doing his job extremely well. Yes, it's a fact that our government is corrupt, but making sweeping statements like the government is not doing anything at all isn't helping either. We should do whatever we can (like volunteering for charitable orgs and following the law) to be part of the solution instead of just blaming everything on the government. Just like what Efren Penaflorida did. : )

    Also, the government is not obligated in any way to give him any monetary compensations. But since you're wondering, Albay's local government gave him a cash gift while Malacanang gave him the Order of Lakandula award (I'm not sure if that award came with cash, though). Point is, he did get recognition and cash from the government.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    The Order of Lakandula means nothing now, seeing as a douche bag like Manny Pacquiao was awarded the same thing :p

    And yes, I am a member of a reputable org, I was a member of LFS or league of Filipino Students, when I was still in college seeing as I no longer actively participate now that I'm in my Masters degree years. I too am a proud member of PCDO-ACTO & FEJODAP, both union associations catering to Jeepney Drivers & Operators.

    And being all gingerly & positive like you are isn't my style :p
  9. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    Maja, just said what i wanted to say... the government in any way is not obligated to give him any monetary award. Like the non-dying say of the assasinated US President Kennedy, Its not what your country can do for you, its what you can do for your country. Efren did something for this country, and paying taxes to the said corrupt government is part of what you can do for your country.

    Also, if the money came from the government of ours, it will be tax-free, but since it came from other means, it will be taxed.. i even read something in the law about taxing stuff... like something with the anything legal or illegal sources....
  10. ax_colleen

    ax_colleen Active Member

    Some laws are for government profit and for the government itself. The laws are not always reliable and valid...
  11. TAYLOR2O

    TAYLOR2O Well-Known Member

    Well that's just wrong!
  12. SlicedandDiced

    SlicedandDiced Well-Known Member

    This is why i left my country....
    soo sad
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