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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jhon 591, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Found: Removed

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  2. WarioEmpire

    WarioEmpire Active Member

    Re: Dose anyone know anythink about the dump't Professor layton and the lost future?

    Can't really understand your english, but if I am correct, you're think their different games. Unwound future is just the [E] Europe name for professor layton and the unwound future, which is the name of the USA release. Their both the same games. Anyways, unwound future has been dumped, check google.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dose anyone know anythink about the dump't Professor layton and the lost future?

  4. koolenergy

    koolenergy Well-Known Member

    Re: Dose anyone know anythink about the dump't Professor layton and the lost future?

    if i were you you'd be editting that last post of yours
  5. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dose anyone know anythink about the dump't Professor layton and the lost future?

    no powercut
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dose anyone know anythink about the dump\'t Professor layton and the lost future?

    Blackpool and whales got it! - black as far i could see from my window incuded motoway lights

    Found out why powercut and not just the place it mentiond, the thieving Ba*terd's

    Post Merge: [time]1288274118[/time]
    Look's like im busted XD!
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we had a 7 hour at university caused by people building the new university building. They dug up part of the road they weren't supposed to be anywhere near, and moved a high voltage cable junction. Nothing happened at the time but hours later when people were going to bed it exploded in a massive fireball and took out the entire city's power. After about 2 hours the emergency lighting in the halls started failing as the batteries depleted (9 hour rated battery life, my arse) and security came around with torches evacuating everyone.

    They laid on a shuttle bus service to the university library, which was the only building in the city that still had power, thanks to emergency generators. when we arrived there were more security guards handing out hot drinks. An hour later, most of the city came back on, as the emergency services and electric company isolated the faulty circuit and diverted power back to the city. Predictably, our hall was on the faulty circuit, so we had a further 4 hours with no power, and we had to sleep in the library. Every 20 minutes a security guard would come on the library PA and say 'attention please, be quiet!' and one of my mates yelled 'no chance!'. It was almost dawn when we got back into our flats so I decided to skip uni that day.

    The contractors responsible denied they had anything to do with it, but as numerous people pointed out, the hole in the road didnt just appear, and the huge scorch mark up the wall of the computing building was fairly damning by itself.

    Over the period of its construction, that building was responsible for 1 city wide power outage, numerous local power outages and several gas leaks.