I've downloaded the Chrono Trigger 7-zip from Romulation.net and it contains aprrox. 57 versions of the game. Which one is the best of the English versions. I've read that the original American version was censored and that's something that seriously weakens a game experience. So should I go with the censored version (which one of the 57?) or is there a "fan"translated version that has the same quality and includes the censored elements?
Most of those are different languages and english hacks etc. Just go for the original, the one with just the name and maybe (U) but nothing else. Each fan hack uses the same graphics, and I've never heard about it being censored, maybe it's just some of the text?
Chrono Trigger [!] (U) ^you want the one that looks like that one if you're looking to play the game.
It's not that they were censored...but squaresoft translations back in the day were notoriously bad...(FFVI being infamous) Fan translations are often better....so if there's one(or more) there....why not try it ? It can't hurt....and it may increase the experience...
Yes, but that's the kind of thing that kills a gaming experience, unless you like a game like that. How do you know?
Some of the Chrono Trigger re- translation is total bull, especially the ones from the group "Chrono Compendium". In one fan translation, they just used the japanese ROM, to get the scripts right, but used the US Chrono to do the translation patch, what they did was extract the US ROM's text, then re wrote it, then put it back, totally stupid In another translation project, they replaced Chrono's "lightning" element with sky, WTF?? Bottom line, the Original US release is good enough as it is, Unless you're a total Chrono nut case, who wants to play the game as the Japanese did
Well most of the big names, rather the big name groups, on the emulation scene, like Nightcrawler, J2E, RPGOne, & AGTP (Aeon Genesis Translation Projects), do a "real" translation in that they really pick at a ROM piece by piece then do a translation. They take "raw" japanese ROMs & translate it thoroughly, they extract the Japanese text, then they convert it to english, so If a ROM was altered when it was released in the US or Europe, the translated raw japanese ROM will reflect those alterations. Another lame thing the Chrono Compendium team does is manipulate Chrono Trigger to add stuff on it, but have to omit certain parts, most notable, the end Credits. Why don't they use an expanding tool instead to make the ROM bigger to add stuff to it!
I've heard of Chrono Compendium before, did they make that really dirty fan translation? A couple of years ago, I got Chrono Trigger from this unknown site and once I played it, the first word was R18.
I think that was another group, there are several ROM hackers out there who make really bad spoofs of Squaresoft titles, there was this FF3 (NES) ROM patch I found once that had the label "complete english" patch, but when I patched it onto the FF3 ROM what it did was give the characters dialogues filled with profanity. Yeah it was kinda neat at first but having them say "Yeah chew on that you *&@!#!" every time you won a battle kinda got old quickly