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Chrono Cross....EBOOT?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by KSbored, Dec 19, 2009.

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  1. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Does anybody have a link to a working Chrono Cross Eboot, that can switch discs, and DOES NOT FREEZE? I have attempted many many times, yet my eboots are never right. :-\
  2. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Have you looked in the Trading Station thread.
  3. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I searched and there is only one. and It is not working. :'(
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What program have you used to create the Eboots?
    What custom firmware are you using, and what popsloader pops are you using?
  5. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    I use psx2psp, (It has the correct base.pbp and zlibwapi file). I have CFW 5.50 GEN-D2. (planning to upgrade soon), and I;m using pops 3.80 for the game, but it froze during mama komodo. And lagged a bit, I got the game from here on RomU. I tried to patch the game myself but apparently it didnt work.
  6. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    Might be GEN firmware it self. If you have a way to get back to M33, try it on there.
    M33 is more compatible with PS1 games

    Or you said your game is freezing at points? Try another pops version, its what you should do if it ever crashes
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Switch the pop's to another number until it works, or down if required.

    Upgrading to GEN D-3 final might be a good idea...but do it once you worked out the issue, as upgrading it won't help since there is no updates to the pops.
  8. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Yeah it freezes on the komodo boss, and it seems to lag in some areas. My Final Fantasy 8 Multi Eboot however is working fine, same with my other eboots. But this game always seems to have the most problems. I just need a patched, good 'ol disc changin EBOOT.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Even when the pop's is changed?

    Same issue?
  10. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Yeah i changed it to each one. And it continues to have the same problem. :/
  11. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Check this out:

    Freezing on Mama Komodo is a common issue, but there are fixes (use different POPs versions and Game IDs)
  12. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Hehe, Actually, yeah i've been to that site, it's actualy favorited on my Comp. But it doesn't say what to use for Gen-D2. And when you patch I downloaded came with these directions:

    By Psychospacefish

    WARNING: Do not change any part of this kit, or else the game will crash.

    1.Make a disc image of Chrono Cross Disc 1 using ISOBuster or CloneCD
    2.Name the BIN/IMG file "ccdisc1.bin"
    3.Run patch.bat
    4.When making EBOOTs, make sure both discs use the same Game ID and Save ID

    To change discs:

    1.Play game to the point where you enter the Sea of Eden
    2.Once you have entered a Fate Distortion, save the game.
    3.Load Disc 2 and then load your game.

    NOTE: The patch removes disc checking completely from Disc 1, allowing you to load any save from Disc 2.
    If you try and play a Disc 2 save on Disc 1 the game will eventually crash or glitch due to it not being
    able to find the necessary data. This won't damage your save data or your PSP however.


    BUT, when I try to press the patch.bat, only a small screen pops up for about a milisecond, So do I assume that, that was the patch or what?
  13. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Homebrew and PSX compatibility is part of the reason why I have stuck with 5.00M33 for so long.

    My brother on the other hand doesn't do either of those, and just wants to play PSP games, so he is on GEN D.
  14. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Hmmmmm, Thats a tough choice, I always wanted to play the games that I missed out on because most of these games came out when I was still a little kid, Like I I got to Play FF7,8, and 9 for the first time and that was amazing.Well I guess i never will be able to play CT anyway.
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