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Chrono Cross Disk Change (epsxe 1.8 + 1.7 + 1.6 + 1.5.2)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Pipseiseisei, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Pipseiseisei

    Pipseiseisei New Member

    I've searched the forum and couldn't really find an active/recent topic about this, so I thought I'd try opening one myself.
    I'm stuck at the disk change in Chrono Cross.
    All the things I've already tried:

    -changing disk with ISO in epsxe 1.8, white screen, unresponsive
    -changing disk with ISO in epsxe 1.7, white screen, unresponsive
    -changing disk with ISO in epsxe 1.5.2, white screen, unresponsive
    -changing disk with ISO in epsxe 1.6, white screen, unresponsive
    -mounting the file using Pete's CD plugin, in epsxe 1.8 & 1.5.2, black screen, unresponsive

    of course the way I try to change disk is what I've found online, wait for the Change Disk screen to appear, hit esc, file > change disk. No luck so far.
    Thank you for your time

    Post Merge: [time]1373318786[/time]
    Found a fix! Sorry for the doublepost + selfbump, but I saw my thread getting views but no replies so I thought it may interest someone.

    It's a matter of mounting your images to a virtual drive, any program capable of that will do (Alcohol 120/52, MagicISO, MagicDisk etc).

    You need to mount both images actually (one at a time, but you will be mounting both).

    - Mount the image of your first disk.
    - Configure epsxe to run from a CD.
    - Run your mounted image and play through the game to the screen prompting the disk change.
    - Hit ESC, go to the program you used to mount your image, unmount your CD1, and mount your CD2.
    - Back to epsxe, change disk > from CDrom
    - Give it a moment to load - now, important, even if your screen freezes to white, make a save state, at the white unresponsive screen
    - Hit ESC again, close epsxe then reopen it, load your CD2 from ISO, load your save state, and you're ready to start playing the CD2.

    I followed somewhat closely a step by step I found on another forum - some things did not work for me though, like I couldn't get Alcohol 52% to run so I used MagicISO, I couldn't mount my CCD so I mounted one of the other files, and my CD2 STILL wouldn't run from virtual drive so I had to try and make a save state and hope it would work that way (it does! :) )

    So yeah, I hope this'll be of any help to some other user. Cheers!