At the risk of sounding like total arse: As it would be too expensive to get an NTSC PS1/PS2 and I have decided to mod my PS2.I'm new to this whole help? I'm thinking of getting this,any reason not to?By the way,I'm not the one that will be chipping the console-that's for my dad ;D and he's skilled with electrical things,so problems are highly unlikely.I think. Thanks for the replies
you might want to consider an external plug-in device rather than a chip. less hassle, less risk and you dont void your warrantee
Any of these solderless chips should be easy to install: You need to make sure the chip fits with your PlayStation 2 version.
don't get those external mod chips because you have to swap discs before playing anything. you want to get a chip that will auto recognize the disc without having to press reset or press this or that so that the chip will know rather it's a ps2 dvd, ps2 cd, etc.... you might also want to check-out all the necessary details. i know that there are some additional chips that should be purchased on some mod chips so that there isn't so much power given to the laser that would cause the lens to die quickly.