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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by marafi, Oct 4, 2009.

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  1. marafi

    marafi Well-Known Member

    Hey im having a problem.. haha no suprize there. Anyway, im using acekard 2i with firmware akiao 1.5. I try to enable the cheats on my games system and the ROM system and when i play the game it does not let me play the game at all. ITs sorta annoying cos im playing super mario bros and i die soo fast so to me cheats are worth GOLD! lol Oh and i can only play the game with this firmware if all the cheats on the system and rom are disabled.

    Any help would be wicked many thanks. ;D
  2. Sora1234

    Sora1234 Well-Known Member

    Ok. Let me see here.

    Did you?

    Go to system options. Scroll over to Default Patch options. Enable code usage?

    Next, where did you get the codes? They may be bad, or outdated.

    BTW: I also have a Acekard 2i, with 1.5 AKAIO firmware files.

    Also are you sure its a original? AKAIO 1.5 now unsupports Acekard clones.
  3. frebels

    frebels Well-Known Member

    Where did you get the cheats from?
    Oops someone replied just before me
  4. marafi

    marafi Well-Known Member

    Well to both your questions. I got it from here
    And i did go to system options. Scroll over to Default Patch options. Enable code usage. Still no effect. Any more ideas would be great.
  5. Sora1234

    Sora1234 Well-Known Member

    Well, either AKAIO 1.5 is messing up because you have a clone. [I doubt it]

    Try to redownload AKAIO. Does this happen with other firmware files?

    [Like AKAIO 1.4.1 Repack?]

    Did you try any other games besides SMB?
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Try enabling only one that you particularly need. It's not recommended to use a whole lot all in one go.
  7. marafi

    marafi Well-Known Member

    Well i tried all of the games and none of them let me use cheats. I have no idea why all of a sudden it doesnt work it did before. I tried lpaying with kh on 1.5 akiao and it works though no cheats. Well as for the firmware i have been trying alot though none let me have cheats.
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