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Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by sizzleBomber, Oct 1, 2009.

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  1. sizzleBomber

    sizzleBomber Active Member

    Well, ive just managed to install YSMenu on my R4 on my first go, and considering i didnt even do the firmware in the first place, im pretty damn proud of myself :)
    But anyway, i have one question, where do i put the cheat.dat file with my cheats in?
    Post Merge: [time]1254426770[/time]
    never mind guys, sorted my own problem :D
  2. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    you put cheat.dat file in your the map called system

    it comes with the R4 kernel ( there are normaly 2 other maps in
    that system map called ebook and themes and a file called GBA frame)
    but since you did it without
    you probably need to create that map

    put the cheat.dat file in it and when your database is not at his limit
    your cheats will work
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