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cheats wont work on r4 sdhc dual core for pokemon black 2!?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by richardparker800, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. I have added the rare candy cheat for pokemon black 2 on my r4, I added the cheat from the cheat code editor on it so that I could use it on Pokemon Black and White 2. When I check off the one I wanted, they don't work even when I do the button combo required to activate. Could someone please help me?
  2. messywhite

    messywhite Active Member

    which r4?
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Interesting, in the link: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=63464.0, you claim the cart isn't even able to be read by your handheld because of your recent act of updating the console which causes the cart being blocked by the new 3DS firmware. So which is it? Is the cart working or not, if not, then how were you able to test the cheats? Or is it because the cheats you added didn't work, then you resort to upgrading the 3DS console resulting to the cart rendered immobilized? If the later is the issue, then you'd better read the response given in the other topic you made.

    @Messy, he already mentioned which R4 he has. Read his topic title and his other topic that I linked.
  4. Senadbrkic

    Senadbrkic Member

    oh, sorry i forget to see the title, thanks for correcting me.
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Huh?! So MessyWhite and Sanadbrkic, you're one and the same person?
  6. Thanks guys though im a bit confused wid the explenation