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Cheats do not work on WoodR4

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by boredsimon, May 29, 2010.

  1. boredsimon

    boredsimon Well-Known Member

    Hi People.
    I have a problem with the cheats in woodr4
    Alot of the games i play, such as lost magic are not very fun without cheats. *teehee

    Anyway, when i enable cheats on WoodR4, it will freeze after a certain point.
    For instance, on Lost Magic, it freezes after or before you begin a fight.
    Also, in Advance Wars, it does not start at all if you use cheats.

    Also, the weird thing is that this is not for all. GTA: CW works fine and so does TWEWY (the world ends with you)
    Does anyone have a solution for this????
  2. boredsimon

    boredsimon Well-Known Member

    I found out the problem.
    For people who have this problem.
    press y when you highlighted a game, press y again.
    When you're in the settings, press L.
    Once you do that, press the right button. not the right shoulder one. Just the right button on the control pad.
    Then press A. Save and you are good.
    Do this for every single game. and you should be fine:)
  3. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    .... Glad you found out what most people already know.
  4. boredsimon

    boredsimon Well-Known Member

    Really? If most people already knew that, then why didnt anyone help me?
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Most figure it is relatively obvious (not to be mean or anything). Also, there is a tutorial in the official topic for Wood R4 down in flash cart help.