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cheats db won't work

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by sarah9728, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. sarah9728

    sarah9728 Member

    i downloaded several cheat db's and even tried editing cheat codes for my m3i zero card and
    i still can't get the codes for Harvest moon grand bazaar to work
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Could you please be more specific and/or detail?
    1. What codes were you editting?
    2. Which cheat database did you use (link maybe)?
    3. Have you made sure that the rom's GAME ID match that of the GAME ID in the database?
    4. In what way do you mean it not work? Faulty cheat/Doesn't show up/etc.
    5. Have you made sure the menu setting been set to allow use of the cheats?
  3. sarah9728

    sarah9728 Member

    i am using the m3sakura card

    i downloaded a couple of new cheat db's since the one that i already had didn't appear to have it
    when i click on cheats to use it like looks like its loading but then nothing happens.

    i think i need a entirely new cheat db
    and if you have more than one cheat db do the others not work
    yes i have cheats allowed
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Have you tried removing all the other 'junk' cheat files? I mean, why keep several copies of cheat files when the latest cheat file should also already contain the older files? You could even make your own custom compilation of cheat database using R4CCE.exe. A cheat database specifically containing cheat data of the games you play only.
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Here might be a good help to ask him: http://gamehacking.org/vb/threads/5445-Demonic722-s-Current-Generation-Codes
  6. sarah9728

    sarah9728 Member

    can someone just find me a brand new (latest) cheat data base list and gimme a link to it :p
    then ill delete all the random junk files i have stored on it.
    i also have a pic of the stuff that is on there, but i can't post it here
  7. serhat359

    serhat359 Well-Known Member

    You can use DS-Scene Rom Tool to get the latest databases.
  8. sarah9728

    sarah9728 Member

    Re: cheats db won\'t work

    thanks i will try that
    Post Merge: [time]1352411436[/time]
    so now i can see and select cheats, but when i try loading a game or starting a new one it just freezes.
    without any cheats selected the normal music plays at the start screen, but when i have some cheats selected it is silent.
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Do make sure you are using the proper cheat package for your cart. As you know there are 3 cheat database package downloadable from the DS-Scene Tool. What cheats are you trying to activate anyway? We know you want to play Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar. Oh....do make sure you are using the appropriate region rom with the AR codes, and don't activate too many cheats at a time. It could be that a cheat or two that you activate might be faulty. So test them one by one.
  10. sarah9728

    sarah9728 Member

    the money and stamina cheats, thats all. i am using the r4 ones...?
  11. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I don't have an M3 Sakura, but is your cart suppose to run cheat.db, cheat.dat or usrcheat.dat?
    R4 run usrcheat.dat. Make sure to use the file meant for it. You might have to use R4CCE.exe to convert the file to meet your cart's requirement. Otherwise try looking up for method to convert that cheat database to meet your need.
  12. sarah9728

    sarah9728 Member

    all the other games work with the db, maybe its just that copy of hm grand bazaar :/
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Then have you tried downloading another copy of HMGB? Make sure it's not the same rom. How to know? Siimple....check the CRC ID. Or....if you had downloaded the US version, then download the EU version. You can find them in Romu's main download page.
  14. sarah9728

    sarah9728 Member

    Re: cheats db won\'t work

    You can download roms from here?? O.O
    Post Merge: [time]1352493407[/time]
    i tried that too... it didn't work. i am giving up on getting cheats to work for that.
    it did the exact same thing.