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Cheating on the PSP with OFW?

Discussion in 'Sony' started by buchichu, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Hey, anyone know if there's a way to use cheat codes or anything to that effect on the PSP specifically with OFW?
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Only CFW that I know of...
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Homebrew can be signed to run on OFW. Plugins, as far as I'm aware, can not, as they need certain exploits to be in place to run. Everything used to cheat is for CFW only. Why you aren't using CFW when you have a PSP though, I don't know. You don't even have to use it permanently. If you're running OFW, I would presume that you are on 6.60. Regardless, I'll tell you what steps to take in order to run cheats if you want to:

    1) Get either a full, or temporary hack. Temporary has to be reapplied whenever you turn the PSP back on after shutting it off completely. It just shows up like a game, but is labeled exactly as it is. The PRO CFW can be used on PSN and everything with no consequences, provided you value PSN access. Check out the guide here to get it all set up. It is incredibly simple: http://gbatemp.net/topic/293978-how-to-softmod-hack-your-psp/

    If you are not on 6.60 OFW, you can leave it as is and get a CFW for your current firmware, or you can either update it via Wi-Fi, grab the update file from Sony's official site, here or here. If you happen to have a Go, you can get the firmware from the Sony site, again, or from here.

    2) Install TempAR v1.63 Beta. Get the download here. There should be a guide to installation and usage in /TempAR v1.63/Docs that is labeled Readme and is a web document. Follow that, and cheats should be working no problem.
  4. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think I'm going to buckle down and get CFW. I downgraded my version to like, 6.39 or something since the update to 6.61 basically blocked all the eboots I have, which is many. So I might have to artificially upgrade to 6.60 since that allows for the temp hack, which I'd prefer, considering all the signed games I already have.
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    CFW is really the only way to get the most out of your PSP. There are many more plugins you can look at now since you're going the CFW route, provided you are interested.
  6. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I just got the thing and have been paranoid about bricking it or whatever, but there seems to be a consensus on the internet deeming anyone with a PSP on OFW and trying to pirate is a moron, so...

    But I have a pretty damn good collection of eboots, it's really only the big sized games I can't access since they can't be signed. I would also like to get PSX games and some homebrew though so I guess this is the next logical step.
    Post Merge: [time]1326208943[/time]
    Okay, here's a question: I have a million eboots now that won't play on the updated version or 6.60pro CFW - any way to get them to play, a plugin perhaps? Or do I have to get these games in cso/iso format to play. Also, the former files are so HUGE compared to eboots!! I used to be able to hold like, 10+ games on my memory stick! Ah well.
  7. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about bricking it.
    I hacked 4 psps and none of them bricked.
    Just follow the steps, and everything will be good.
  8. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I actually just did hack it, everything went great :) - tested a couple cso and iso files and they worked fine. Now I'm just wondering about my extensive collection of eboots and what to do with them. Might just have to redownload them in cso/iso format, unfortunately.
  9. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    You can still use eboots.
  10. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Mmm...they don't seem to load; I get an error message.
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    If they are PSP EBOOT's or something, not sure how support is looking for those. Generally, you want an ISO or CSO to make sure compatibility is present. With PSX games, EBOOT's are the only way to go, and they work wonderfully.